Leaning Tower of Chairs (jinmin)

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the next couple of prompts similar to this one are screenshotted off of this post so they're all by the same person. I just wanna give credit where it's due!☺♥

Jimin stared longingly at the last bowl. He desperately wanted soup, but there was only one bowl left. And he couldn't reach it. Jimin's fingertips stretched up, but no matter how hard he tried, he was always a few inches too short. 

A mischievous smile crawled onto his lips. Turning around, he quickly dragged three chairs from the table to the counter. He carefully stacked them on top of each other. After making sure it was sturdy, he began to slowly climb the chairs. Jimin sat precariously on top of the last chair, leaning out to grasp the bowl.

"What are you doing!" Jimin jumped back in surprise. The wooden chairs creaked dangerously. Jin rushed over.

"You're going to KILL yourself!"

"I'll be fine, hyung." The younger casually passed the bowl down to Jin before climbing down. "I do this all the time." 

"You've done this before?!?!" The older gestures wildly, bowl in hand. Jimin smiles and takes the bowl from him.

"Hyung. I'm way shorter than you. I have to have SOME way of getting things."

"Hmm, how about," Jin tapped his chin sarcastically. "Asking someone to get it for you!!"

"You guys were busy."

"tHaT dOeSnT mEaN yOu cAnT aSk!!"

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