Sleepy Baby (yoonmin) (little space)

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*little space*

Yoongi squirmed from his place on the carpet, letting out a gurgled whine. Jimin smiled softly and gently lifted the little onto his hip. 

"Are you sleepy, baby?" Yoongi continued to wiggle around so Jimin set him down and squatted to his level. 

"How does a nap sound, little one?"

"No!" Yoongi stubbornly crossed his arms. Jimin stood up.

"Then I guess I won't get you a bottle then. Or your binkie. No need for snuggles either." The little pouted harshly. Jimin moved in front of him.

"Are you tired?" Yoongi shook his head again. 

"Come on." Jimin bent down and scooped him up, walking him into the kitchen. He buckled Yoongi into his highchair, leaving to prepare a bottle. The little banged on his tray, hot tears falling down his cheeks. Jimin clicked start on the microwave then tended to his baby. He carefully lifted the other from his seat and held him close. 

"Wanna tell me what's wrong, love?" Yoongi nodded, hiding his red face in Jimin's neck.

"What is it then?" 


"Well, your bottle's almost done." The little shook his head.

"Don't wan' it." Jimin patted his back and opened the fridge door.

"Then, what would you like?" Yoongi timidly peeked into the fridge. He shyly pointed to the basket of strawberries. Jimin quickly grabbed the basket and shut the fridge with his hip. Setting down the strawberries, he lifted Yoongi onto the counter.

"Can I trust you to sit here while I prepare them?" Yoongi nodded confidently. He watched with wide eyes as his caregiver took out a small knife and sliced the berries into small slivers.


"Yes, baby?"

"Can we freeze them?"

"They won't be ready to eat until after your nap. Is that okay?" Yoongi swung his legs in thought, lightly tapping his heels against the cabinet below him.

"Why does it take so long?"

"It just does, my love."

"Oh." Jimin set down the knife and stood between Yoongi's legs.

"How about you eat half of them know and then the rest after your nap?"

"Okay." Jimin gave the little a small bowl of strawberries to eat while he reheated his milk. The microwave beeped so Jimin scooped the younger into his arms and carried him to their bedroom. Jimin set to bottle on the nightstand and crawled into bed, Yoongi still plastered to his side. The little slowly sipped at the milk, laying his head against Jimin's shoulder. 

A couple of minutes passed. Jimin set the now empty bottle back onto the nightstand.


"Yes, love?"

"I 'till can't sleep." Jimin kissed his forehead.

"That's alright. Bubba can help you." Jimin leaned back against the pillows, pulling Yoongi onto his lap. He gently guided the little's head to his chest. His small hand traced patterns onto his back, Yoongi fisted his shirt sleepily. The little felt his eyes begin to close and let out a whine. Jimin gave a light kiss to his hair.

"It's alright, little one. Bubba's got you." Yoongi let out a breath and snuggled into his caregiver's embrace.

"I love you, Bubba."

"I love you too. My baby."

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