"Standards" (namjin)

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Sorry I made Jin sound so stuck up in this one😅

Seokjin brushed back his bangs and smiled lazily. 

"I have very high standards. I would allow only the best to date me." He tilted his chin up and watched with amusement as the group slowly left his desk. Jimin laughed from beside him.

"Hyung, you're the only person I know who would have such high standards."

"Well, I'd never want to date anyone less perfect than me."

"That's literally everyone."

"Well-" Namjoon stumbled into the classroom. He tripped over his chair as he hastily tried to put himself together before the bell rang.

"Who's that?" He asked Jimin, resting his chin on his hand.

"That's Namjoon."


"First name, Kim. Super clumsy but never late. Breaks everything he touches but super gentle overall. Major dad energy."

"I want that one."

"Of course you do." Jimin rolled his eyes and left to sharpen his pencil. Jin stood up and strutted to the front of the room, coming to a stop in front of Namjoon's desk. 

"Namjoon?" He looked up.

"I'm Jin." Namjoon smiled softly as he shook the older's hand. The teacher walked in.

"Wait for me after class, okay?" The younger nodded.

~After class~

"Joonie? Can I call you that?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Cool. Wanna go out?"


"I've been looking for someone to date. And I think you're perfect."

"Uh, okay." Jin could tell Namjoon was apprehensive about the whole thing.

"Come on," he grabbed the younger's hand. "It's time for lunch." He tugged lightly and lead the other down to the lunchroom. 

"Is it alright if you sit with me and my friends?"


"You know, you don't have to say yes. You can tell me no."

"I've heard about you. No one tells you no."

"You can be an exception."


"So, do you want to sit with us?"

"Yeah. I usually sit by myself anyway." Jin nodded and walked to their table, Joon in tow. He motioned for Namjoon to sit, before sitting in the youngers lap. Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jin's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. The rest of his friend group sat as well.

"This is Namjoon, I dating him. Be nice." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"That was fast."

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