Werewolf (taejin) (au)

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The beast jumped the chain-link fence, sniffing the ground curiously. Jin watched from the window. It's light gray fur reflected the sun, only making the wolf's eyes appear more ethereal. Silently reaching up, Jin takes a small bowl from the cabinet and fills it with meaty leftovers. He opens the back door and walks slowly to the animal. After sitting down, Jin sets down the bowl for the wolf to eat from. 

A soft flurry of snow fell around them. Quickly, the yard was buried under piles of snow. Jin reached out cautiously, running his long fingers through the wolf's fur.

"What do you say we head inside?" The wolf took the now-empty bowl between its teeth, heading to the back door. He looked back expectantly. Jin smiled and stood, opening the door for them both. The wolf trotted inside and left the bowl in the kitchen before heading into the living room. Jin laughed softly and picked up the bowl, setting it in the sink. 

In the living room, the wolf hopped onto the couch and laid down, letting its head rest on its paws. Jin sat next to it, switching on the TV. Before long, the pair was fast asleep.

Jin's phone alarm cut through the morning silence. Groggily, he searched the home for the loud device. Finally, the silence returned. Jin headed back into the living room to check on the wolf. A silver-haired boy slept in its place. Jumping back, Jin let out a surprised squeak. The sleeping boy bolted upright. 

"Shit." He muttered. He looked to Jin cautiously. 

"Um, I should probably-I'm gonna go." He stood up and headed to the back door. 

"Wait," Jin called, making the boy halt, his slim hand inches away from the doorknob. 

"I'm sorry. I- what- what just happened?" The boy sighed.

"I'm a werewolf." Jin scoffed.

"Yeah, I gathered that much. But why- why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I was getting free food and a place to sleep."

"And? I would have given that to you anyway."

"I'm sorry. But I should be leaving. They will be searching for me."

"Who will?"

"My pack."

"You should bring them here sometime."

"Maybe I will."

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