Feed me? (sope)

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"This is really good. You should try it." Yoongi reaches forward with his chopsticks. "No, let me feed it to you." Yoongi blushes slightly.

"Feed it to me?" Hoseok smiles.


"Why? I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself."

"Come onnnnnn. Just let me do it." Yoongi huffs and crosses his arms. "Please?"

"Fine." Hoseok smiles brightly and takes a piece of meat between his chopsticks.  Yoongi's face heats up as the younger cups a hand underneath the food and brings it toward him. Hoseok notices the older shuffling awkwardly and backs off.

"Hyung, you don't have to. It's okay." Yoongi looks down sheepishly. 

"No, it's fine. It's cute and coupley and whatever. Just, I'm too awkward for this." Hoseok laughs lightly and sets down his chopsticks. He moves his chair back and faces the older.

"Come here." Yoongi shyly shuffles his chair forward. Hoseok grabs the legs of the chair and pulls him closer. He picks up the food again and holds it out to the older. Yoongi passively leans forward and takes it. 

"Good?" The older nods. Hoseok continues to eat. Yoongi moves back slightly to go back to his spot. Hoseok wraps a foot around the chair, stopping him. The younger reaches across the table and drags Yoongi's plate over. He continues to feed the older until they finish. Hoseok grips Yoongi's thighs and pulls him into his lap.

"That wasn't so bad, huh?" Yoongi shakes his head. The waitress jogs over and hurriedly hands them the check. She stops short and smiles.

"You guys are cute." Yoongi turns into a tomato and hides his face at the compliment. Hoseok smiles casually.

"Thank you."

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