I knew it! (sope) (vampire au)

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Hoseok walked silently over the sidewalk, keeping a sharp eye on the man ahead of him. The soft, yellow street lamps turned his gray hair an ashy orange as he followed quietly. Hobi halted quickly, counting to five before turning the corner. The stranger ahead jumped into the air landing roughly on his pray. The poor garbage man landed harshly on the pavement with a crack. Hoseok watched in disgust and fascination as the gray-haired man swiftly bit into the other's neck. "Did you just-did you just bite that guy's neck?" The stranger slowly turned around, dropping the lifeless body.

"Look, I need you to stay calm and not freak-"

"I knew it! I just knew you were a vampire!" The gray-haired man stepped closer, putting a hand on either of Hoseok's shoulder. He stared into younger's eyes."I need you to forget you ever saw this. Now go home and get some sleep." Hoseok turned away and left the ally.

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