Soup for the Soul (jinmin)

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Jimin curled up into the fetal position, groaning quietly. He unlocked his phone and immediately turned the brightness all the way down. 5:20. He opened the messages app and texted Jin.

Hyung. My head really hurts and I don't think I'd be much of use at practice today. Will you talk to Manager-nim for me?

Jin woke up to a message from Jimin. 

Of course. Get better soon! 

He gathered up the rest of the boys and took them to practice. As promised, he did meet with their manager who had no problem with anything.

~After Practice~

Jin silently shut the door after the rest of the members tumbled into the dorm.

"Shh," he whisper yelled. "Jimin is sick!"

"Sorry, hyung." They answered collectively before racing to the shower. Jin rolled his eyes.

"When do they ever listen?!" He mumbled to himself. After slipping off his shoes, Jin tiptoed down the hall to Jimin's room. The older slowly opened the door, cringing as it squeaked on the hinges. 

"Jimin-ah? Are you awake?" The younger grunted in response. Jin walked over and gently laid his hand over Jimin's forehead.

"You aren't too warm. Want me to make you some soup?"

"Yes. Please, hyung."

"Alright. Come on." He tried to coax the other out of bed. 

"You'll be able to breathe better if you stand up." Jimin groaned pitifully but hauled himself out of bed. Jin smiled softly as he noticed Jimin wearing his hoodie. The sweatshirt fell down to his knees. The older almost squealed aloud as Jimin grabbed his stuffed bunny off the bed and clutched it to his chest. 

"Come on, I'll make you some good soup."

"Thank you, hyung."

"Don't worry about it." He pressed his palm into the small of younger's back and walked him to the kitchen. 

"Hey, Jimin. How ya feelin'? Jin hyung told us you were sick."

"Yeah," He answered, sniffling as he lifted himself to sit on the counter. "I'm okay."

"Well, hopefully, hyung's soup will help."


Jimin blushed lightly as Jin held the spoon up to his mouth. He shyly opened his mouth and accepted the warm broth.

"Good?" The younger nodded enthusiastically. 

"That's good. Now eat up and get some rest. I don't think I can handle any more practices without you." Jimin smiled and swallowed another spoonful.

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