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That night after the accident, Jisoo can't help herself but kept thinking about the worst case scenario that could have happened to her. Her hand hovered over the freshly plastered band-aid on her cheek. "I need to be prepared. I must not falter again." Her voice was laced with determination. "I might not get lucky like this anymore." She grabbed her phone and began searching for any available martial arts class that she could attend. 

They did learn some martial arts during their time in the academy but it had been a few years and to add to the point just like Chaeyoung had said during their first briefing, this neighbourhood had been pretty soft. There were mugging cases like this but she had rarely being the one to encounter them. Her thoughts went back to the form that she had filled. The form to become an undercover cop. How can she become an undercover cop if she can't even handle a petty mugging thief? She realised that she doesn't have enough skills to survive out there if she were to become an undercover cop.

"I need to equip proper skills and upgrade myself first before I can ask them to join me in filling that form. I can't be the one to drag us behind." Her thumb still scrolling the web before finally stopping. "This one looks good. I should be able to do this." She quickly filled in the application form. She has chosen the Brazilian Jiujitsu martial arts. There was a class available starting tomorrow. "I better get my sleep." As soon as her head hit the pillow she immediately drift to sleep.

A couple of days had passed and Jisoo was dead tired from all the lessons but she was determined to continue. She always seemed like she was in her own head space. She barely joined in on any of the conversation. She would reply whatever the girls are asking her with a monotone yeah, sure or that's cool. She tried to be her normal cheery self but was unable to cause she was just so tired.

She tried to gauge some reactions by observing the other girls especially if they thought she was depressed after the accident but to no avail; the girls seemed to behave normally. They didn't even ask her questions like 'Are you okay? Or   'Why are you so quiet?' Every day, the day goes on as if that scratch on her face never happened so she never bothered to explain that she was taking martial arts classes. She assumed that everyone was okay with her behaving like that.

Her training finished early tonight and she had entered the house halfway through before hearing Lisa's loud "Wassup, wassup" in the kitchen. She slowly crept through the living room putting her ears to the wall; trying to get as close as she possibly can to listen on what they were talking about. Jisoo thought it was just going to be another one of their playful banters except that it totally wasn't.

It broke Jisoo's heart to hear that all of them were actually worried about her sudden isolation. 

"So they do notice that I was slowly shrinking away from them but it was for the wrong reason." She mentally thought about it in her head. 

"Ah dang it. This is exactly what I want to avoid. They must be worried sick. I've become a burden. I should just come clean then." 

She was about to head to the kitchen except that her body doesn't agree with her and she collapsed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Me too Chaeyoungie. Me too."


Both of the maknae's head quickly turned towards the source of the sound. There was a sound of something loud hitting the floor in the living room.

"What's that?" Chaeyoung asked. Her head still looking towards the living room.

"It's the l-living room, right?" Lisa asked as she held Chaeyoung's arm tightly.

"Let's check it." Chaeyoung pulled the slightly frightened Lisa with her.

"No, no, no, what if it's a burglar or something. We need something to protect ourselves." Lisa momentarily let go of Chaeyoung's arm and went to the counter to grab a knife.

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