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#HappyNayeonDay 🐰

It's their second day in Canada and today Jisoo had promised Lisa that they would go to the aquarium together. They had shared together a hotel room to reduce cost. Lisa was awake early and went out of the hotel to buy some breakfast so that they could eat together when Jisoo wake up.

There were Apple Fritters, Cinnamon Buns, Berry Scones, Smoked Salmon Benny, doughnuts and many many more. Everything just looked so tasty and mouth-watering. Lisa became confused and finally decided to just grab some doughnuts in the end.

When she returned to their hotel room, Jisoo was no longer on the bed but instead she was sitting in front of the TV watching some movies.

"Oh, you're back. What's that you got in your hands?"

"There were so many to pick from so I just bought doughnuts and of course your favourite coffee."

Lisa set the doughnuts and coffee on the table. Both of them eat together in silence. After they were done eating, they got ready for their trip to the aquarium. They hailed a taxi at the roadside in front of their hotel.

"Can you take us to Ripley's Aquarium of Canada please?" Jisoo asked when they were inside the taxi. The driver nodded before continuing their journey.

Upon arrival at the aquarium, Lisa quickly whipped out her camera and filmed the building's name saying, "This is so exciting!" to the camera whilst Jisoo went to the counter to buy the entrance tickets.

"I got the tickets." Jisoo ran happily towards Lisa waving the ticket in front of her face.

"Oh, yeah. Haha. Let's go! Let's go! Wait I wanna pick one."

Jisoo hold out the two tickets to Lisa for her to pick. Lisa thought for a while before pulling out the ticket with a picture of a clown fish. "Nemo! Nemo, right? Is this Nemo? I picked Nemo."

Jisoo just smiled at Lisa's cute behaviour before Lisa continued, "Let's get inside!"

Lisa was super excited and giggled like a little child when her ticket was scanned as she repeated, "So excited" to Jisoo. Everything that she saw in the aquarium she would exclaimed delightedly with "Wow!" expression. On the other hand Jisoo couldn't believe how big the aquarium is. It seemed never ending. She thought she had seen everything, so she was taking a lot of pictures. However, when she come outside there was more for her to see.

The duo came across the section where the visitors are allowed to touch the sea life. Both of them were exhilarated to touch the whale. Lisa thought she was having a hard time touching it cause it was giving her chills even though she was excited. She touched the whale on its back and tail. The way her hand touched the whale was similar to the motion that people would normally do when they touch a cat that they had met for the first time. It was a gentle caress but she only used her fingers. On the contrary, Jisoo touched the whale's head instead of its back and tail. Jisoo's touch lasted barely a second. She used her index finger to touch its head and quickly retracted her finger as soon as it made contact. The duo hurriedly washed their hands right after their contact with sea creature.

"That was so much fun." Lisa acclaimed.

"Where should we go next?"

"How about the old city hall?" Lisa suggested. "We can take more photos there."

"Let's go!"

It was raining that evening when they were visiting the old city hall but that doesn't stop them from taking more pictures. Lisa even posed in the rain on the stairs in front of the city hall. The pair met a flock of pigeons nearby and attempted to take a picture of the pigeons. They were happy that the pigeons doesn't fly away but then again was disappointed when the pigeons won't even fly for show.

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