Intern Scientist

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Jennie was surprised when she knew that Jisoo and Lisa had a new mission. She wondered why the Commander didn't give the mission to her and Chaeyoung as well. What surprised her even more was that it was Jisoo and Lisa, not Jisoo and her this time around.

"The Commander didn't pair me with unnie again. Was it because of the last mission?" She spoke to herself slowly pacing the length of her bedroom.

"It must be my fault?"

"Am I becoming incompetent?"

"I'm a bad partner to Jisoo unnie?"

"I failed to save her from even getting shot in the first place. Of course I'm a bad partner." Her pace in the bedroom fastened.

"UGH, you stupid idiot. Why can't you find a hiding place fast enough that day?"

"Unnie got hurt because of you slowpoke." She pressed her forefinger into her temples.

"That's okay. It's good that she's with Lisa. Lisa can take care of her better than I am." She calmed herself down by putting her hand on top of her chest as well as slowing down her walking pace. Then she sat on the chair in front of her dressing table staring directly at her reflection in the mirror.

"She's in good hands."

"I should be happy."

"Why am I feeling this way?"

"Why do I feel jealous?"

"Is it jealousy, though?"

"Lisa had been her partner way longer than I was anyway."

"Arghh." She shook her head roughly to try and remove the thought.

*Knock Knock*

"Unnie?" Chaeyoung pushed the door open and Jennie turned her head towards the opened door.

"Jisoo unnie and Lisa are waiting for us outside."

"You go ahead. I'll be there in a minute." Jennie replied and Chaeyoung just nodded. She left the door ajar.

"I wonder if she heard what I just said by myself." Jennie muttered under her breath before picking up her briefcase and peaked cap.

"Good luck on your new mission and please be careful. Try not to get hurt." Chief Sooyoung uttered.

"Copy that Chief. That will definitely be my first priority." Jisoo chuckled.

"Don't worry, Chief. I'll watch her six." Lisa said.

"You do that." The Chief raised her eyebrows and pointed her finger to Lisa.

Lisa just smiled before giddily nodding her head.

The duo exited the Chief's office and was greeted by Sana and Dahyun who slightly bowed at them before saying unanimously, "Good morning!"

There was a brief silence after Jisoo and Lisa also replied good morning before Dahyun suddenly ran forward and hugged Jisoo really tight.

"I know I'm late but I still want to say this." She whispered in Jisoo's ear.

"Better late than never." Jisoo whispered back in Dahyun's ear.

"I'm happy that you've recovered well. Please be careful." Dahyun said as she tightened the hug even more.

"I will." Jisoo broke the hug to gaze into Dahyun's eyes. "I will be very careful."

"Promise?" Dahyun held out her pinky finger to Jisoo.

"I promise." Jisoo locked her pinky finger with Dahyun's finger.

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