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"You! YOU KILLED US! Why did you do that?"

Momo was taken aback to see that both of them were awake and Jisoo even talked. Well it was more of a shout but Momo's brain ceased to function at the sight of them staring at her.

"They're alive! It worked." Momo thought.

She was screaming internally; happy that they are alive. Her mouth moved as if she was gonna say something but nothing came out.

"You! I trusted you!" Jisoo uttered angrily as she stepped off the bed and walked towards Momo. She opened the door wider and grabbed Momo's collar with both of her hands. Momo just stood there frozen and speechless.

Jeongyeon got up from the bed and walked towards Momo and Jisoo. She put her right hand on Jisoo’s shoulder. "I understand that you're angry but can you at least let me explain?"

"Why would you need to explain anything to me? I want to hear it from her!" Jisoo pointed her forefinger right in front of Momo's face. Lisa also sat on the bed frozen as she just watched them argue blankly.

"Can you at least let go of her collar?" Jeongyeon requested and Jisoo obeyed as she released the collar. "You need to do some explaining buddy." Jeongyeon patted Momo's shoulder before she tried to leave the room. However, Jisoo's hand was quicker as she tugged on Jeongyeon's shirt which stopped her from walking out.

"Stay here, please. You're the only reason why I haven't punched her in the face yet." Jisoo requested and Jeongyeon just nodded as she walked back in the room to stand right next to Jisoo.

"Y-You remember when I told you about J-Jeongyeon at the amusement park?" Momo began. Her lips were trembling but she tried her best to convey it.

"So what?" Jisoo answered with clear irritation in her voice.

"T-Th-That's her." Momo lifted her shaking hand to point at Jeongyeon.

"Get to the point, would you?" Jisoo huffed and pulled Jeongyeon to sit next to her on the bed, leaving Momo to stand alone under the door frame.

"They told me if I don't kill you, they will kill Jeongyeon instead." Momo continued.

"So that makes it okay to kill me? And even worse her too." Jisoo pointed at Lisa.

"It was supposed to be j-just you. Dajeon- I mean Lisa was not on the order. She's a casualty." Momo dropped her head low.

"I need to get some air. Can you take me out of this room?" Jisoo lifted her brow and looked directly at Jeongyeon.

"Sure, if that's what you want. Do you want to come as well?" Jeongyeon tilted her head sideways to look at Lisa who just shook her head in response. "I'm gonna get my sister so that she can look after Lisa. Sit tight." Jeongyeon said as she stood up and went to fetch Ryujin.

"Come on." Jeongyeon gestured her hand for Jisoo to come over to her as Ryujin entered the room.

Momo still stood there with her head dropped low until Jeongyeon nudged her shoulder. "Go outside for a bit. Come back when I tell you and don't get into trouble."

Jeongyeon and Jisoo left the house and soon after Momo also left the house leaving Ryujin and Lisa in Jeongyeon's room.

"Hi. I'm Ryujin." The pink haired girl introduced herself.

"Hi. I'm-"

"Lisa unnie. I know." Ryujin cut her off. "Jeongyeon unnie already told me who you were." She flashed her brightest smile. "Do you want to grab some breakfast? I know a place."

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