Doctor's Visit

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An hour later, Ryujin finally opened her eyes. The room was filled with people. The closest person to her was Jeongyeon and behind her was Jisoo. Mina, Lisa and Momo were standing at the foot of the bed and Yeji was on her other side. 

She rubbed her eyes with one hand whereas the other one rubbed her temples. She was surprised to see that everybody was in her room as she asked while chuckling, "Why is everyone here?"

Everyone else also chuckled after hearing her question before Jeongyeon answered, "You fainted." 

"I-I did?" 

"Yeah outside the store. Are you okay?" 

"I feel okay." She grinned. "I need to talk to you, unnie." She spoke in a low voice, almost whispering to her. 

Jeongyeon heard it and gave a subtle signal to everyone else who understood it immediately as they scoured out of the room. As soon as the door was shut close, Ryujin immediately hugged Jeongyeon. 

"I-I s-saw her, unnie." 

"You saw who?" 

"Shin Yuna. My younger blood sister." 

Jeongyeon gasped and Ryujin nodded even more vigorously to prove her point. 

"But you're not fainting cause you saw her, right?" 

Ryujin released the hug to look directly at Jeongyeon in the eye. "No. It's not her. It's me." 

Ryujin retold her short story and Jeongyeon gasped again. 

"You saw yourself as a guy?" 

"Yeah. An uncle to be precise. I know it was me but the reflection says otherwise." 

"Huh? Odd." Jeongyeon scratched her chin. 

"What are you thinking unnie?" 

"I can't help but think that you're situation is similar to Mystique. A shapeshifter." 

"I-I can shapeshift?" 

"That would be the best explanation. Do you feel anything when you are shouting for her name?" 

"I feel terrified. Like I don't want to bother her but I do want to know her as well." 

"Hmm, I guess that's it. That must be why you suddenly turned into an uncle." 

"Am I gonna be okay?" 

"I think so. At least you're not blue?" Jeongyeon raised her brow and Ryujin swatted her arm. Jeongyeon hurriedly stood up and distanced herself away from her before continuing, "I meant that you're you now, so…" Jeongyeon pursed her lips. "But we can always go to Jihyo and let her check up on you if it would make you feel better." 

"I think I should. Can you come with me?" 

"Sure." Jeongyeon grinned. "Come on." 

They both walked out of the room and saw Lisa watching TV by herself at the living room. Lisa smiled at them and asked them where they were going. 

"JYP Hospital." Jeongyeon simply answered. 

"Can I come with you guys too?" Lisa hurriedly switched off the TV and ran to them to be closer. "You're seeing Jihyo, right?" Lisa whispered. 

The pair's eyes widened at the sudden whispering but still nodded their heads in unison. 

"Let's go then." Lisa whispered again as she pushed the two of them to get out quickly as if worrying anyone would catch them. 

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