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"Did you get the guy?" Momo asked as she saw Jisoo and Jeongyeon entered the house.

"You bet we were." Jeongyeon replied as she smiled widely.

"He didn't even run when we got there. It's like he thought no one was chasing after him." Jisoo scoffed.

"He thought that we were just passers-by so we saw him pretending to be one as well. It was kinda hilarious considering that the handbag was really fancy and it looks really out of place for a sleazy guy like him to hold." Jeongyeon chuckled.

"So how did you guys do it? Any punching?" Momo glanced at their knuckles and saw no bruise.

"Why bother punching him when I can just stop time?" Jeongyeon giggled.

"Jeong froze the time so that no one would see my lightning flashing about. Then, I grabbed him and dropped him right inside the station with a big note behind his back saying 'I just mugged a lady. Please catch me.'" Jisoo laughed and Jeongyeon followed suit. The two of them bumped their knuckles together happily.

At the airport.

"Oppa." Irene hurriedly ran forward and hugged him.

"Hey, Joohyun. How are you guys doing?"

"We're okay. How about you?" Joy shrugged.

"No hugs from the rest of you? Come on Sooyoung ah." He stared at Joy. "You too Seungwan ah? Come here and give me a hug." He shifted his gaze to Wendy.

Both of them ignored Top's request but Top kept shifting his gaze between the two of them continuously in anticipation. Top heard them both groaned audibly and Irene laughed. They rolled their eyes and dragged their feet lazily towards him. They hugged him for a mere few seconds before returning to their original standing position.

"To answer your question earlier, yes I'm okay. And thanks for hugging your big brother." Top did an exaggerated bow that earned him a slap on the arm by Joy. "Ow. What was that for?"

"For leaving us here!"

"Soo I didn't leave you."

"Yes, you did and boy it was really awful." Joy scoffed. "You had to wait until the company was shut down to actually return." Joy was crossing her arms across her chest.

Top gave Irene a questioning look and the oldest girl just pursed her lips and shook her head subtly.

"Look. I was already back in Korea for a month."

"And you didn't bother telling us?" Joy glared at Top but he just chuckled.

"Well, I had business going on. I can't just abandon them." He looked at Joy and frowned.

"Where's your bellboy?"

"Ah, you mean Taeyang. He's here but not with me. I told him to take a break for a while." Top smiled earnestly but Joy was still glaring at him. Top knew how much it bothered Joy but he was doing his best to cheer her up. Joy was never happy whenever Top went away. She felt as if he was abandoning them although it wasn't. Joy was very sensitive when it comes to abandonment issues considering she was literally left homeless by the side of the road when she was just 7 years old.

"You promised to be back in 3 month. It's been 5 months if you didn't notice." Joy huffed.

"Look, I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?" Top knelt in front of Joy and took her hands in his.

Joy whispered something in his ear and he stood up with a beaming smile. "That can be arranged. Don't worry."

"Oppa?" Wendy called and he turned to look at her. "You're not mad, right?"

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