Fly away

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“You are skipping a lot lately.”

“What does that mean?” Yeji asked as she skipped to get closer to Ryujin.

“You are doing it now and if I’m not crazy-” Ryujin looked around before whispering, “The height of your skipping isn’t normal either.”

Yeji gave her a judging look and was about to counter back when Jeongyeon walked into the living room which effectively halted her as her mouth was left hanging and her face remained surprised.

“You okay, Yeddong?” Jeongyeon asked in amusement.

“Y-Yeah. Just surprised with your entrance.” She giggled and turned to look at Ryujin to continue. "What height?"

"Unnie." Ryujin called out and both Jeongyeon and Yeji hummed at the same time.

"Not you." Ryujin answered whilst looking at Yeji. She tilted her head cutely to the side and uttered, "Jeong unnie." 


"You saw it too right?"

She eyed her younger sister as the cogs in her brain were working. Jeongyeon pursed her lips and shrugged.

"What are you even talking about? Tch." Yeji laughed as she skipped to the kitchen to wash her hands.

Instead of saying anything, Ryujin just lifted her eyebrows and nudged her head in Yeji's direction and they both turned their heads to look.

"See what I mean."

"I see. Has she always been this light?"

"She doesn't always skip around but lately she keeps doing them. You don't find it weird?"

Jeongyeon subtly shook her head. "She looks very light. Like a feather."

“Her power?”

“Aaahhh.” Jeongyeon belted out as she realised what Ryujin was trying to point out.


Jeongyeon took a seat next to Ryujin and they both looked in the direction of where Yeji was.

“Light like a feather.” Jeongyeon chuckled.

“Tell me!” Ryujin whisper-shouted.

“Ryuddaeng, look. She’s legit flying.”

“Can you throw her off the roof or something?”

“What? No.” Jeongyeon facepalmed. “Just ask her to jump, Ryu.”

The two were so engrossed in their discussion that they didn’t notice Yeji returning. “Ask who to jump?”

Ryujin eyed the older girl and smiled mischievously. “You. Come on.”

The trio went up to the rooftop of the mansion and Yeji widened her eyes.

"Umm, what are we doing up here?" Yeji raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"I did ask you to jump." Ryujin flashed her a mischievous smile again.

"It's never good whenever she smiles like that." Yeji widened her eyes at Jeongyeon and giggled.

"C'mon jump already!" Ryujin said impatiently as she saw they were getting closer to the edge of the roof. 


Yeji was about to speak more when Ryujin suddenly pushed her off the roof. Her shouts could be heard as she travelled down just as Jeongyeon immediately scrunched her brow hard. She instantly lifted her left hand and held the time in place as she softly pushed her little sister by the shoulder.

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