Suspicious Behaviour

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"So how is Jennie unnie doing right now?" Mina asked. 

"She doesn't zone out much these days but I feel like she's getting way to obsess with the investigation." 

"How so?" The younger Chaeyoung asked. 

"Like… she would stay up beyond her normal bed time just to confirm something, at least that's what she told me when I asked about it. I also caught her sleeping on those reports too which is something she had never really done before. She would never sleep at her desk, like at all."

"Hmm." Mina hummed as she scratched her chin. 

"Oh and I forgot to tell you guys this."

"What is it?" 

"We went to Busan about two days ago."

"Wait, don't tell me that she went directly to where they are? We did tell you to be discreet." Mina's face frowned in horror as she exchanged eye contact with the baby beast. 

"I'm telling you she did. I was surprised too. I did tail her but I just stayed outside of the building so I had no idea what is she doing inside." Chaeyoung replied while stuffing more food inside her mouth. 

"That was not very wise, yes?" The tiger cub voiced her thoughts. 

"Super not wise. This is getting worse I guess. I'm sorry that my plans are of no help." Mina pouted. 

"No, no, no, it's hardly your fault. I'm just gonna tell you guys that she's gonna go there again this evening after Shift 1 ended."

"What? We can't let her go there again." Chaeyoung protested. 

"I know but you know how persistent she can be, right? I've tried and well obviously she's not listening." The older Chaeyoung sighed. "Otherwise she would have been here, eating together with us."

"Oh Miss Jero. You're here again. How can I help you this time?" The receptionist said with a trained smile on her face. 

"What an odd name? Who names themselves Jero seriously? Wait, her parents did but it's still weird nonetheless." The receptionist thought as she waited for Jennie's response. 

"Same thing as last time, I guess. I want to have another tour if you don't mind."

"Of course, we don't mind but I'll send someone else to walk through with you today since I'm a little busy. Would that be okay with you?" 

"Sure. I'm okay with that." Jennie said as she walked towards a chair to take a seat. 

"Please let it be Jisoo unnie. Please let it be Jisoo unnie. Please let it be Jisoo unnie." She repeated the words over and over in her head. 

About a couple of minutes later, a woman with a face almost as similar to Jisoo appeared in front of Jennie and she almost said Jisoo unnie before re-reading the ID tag that said her name was Irene instead. 

"Hi, I'm Irene. Nice to meet you, Miss Jero. If you would please follow me to start the tour." Irene firmly said. 

YG Pharmaceutical had this tour where people can see the process of them making the medicines similar to how a bread factory would have tours showing people how they made the bread. The last time Jennie was there, the receptionist herself had taken Jennie around for the tour since Irene wasn't around that day. 

"So. It's your second time here, right?" Irene asked as they began walking. 

"Guilty as charged." Jennie lifted both of her hands up. Her eyes were glued to the ground. 

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