Surprise Visit

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Happy birthday to our one and only dancing Mochine.

Lisa punched in the key into the keyhole unlocking the door of the warehouse. 

"I kinda miss this place even though we literally spent only a couple of hours here that day." Jennie said as she walked into the warehouse still oblivious of the lady sitting on the couch. 

Lisa was about to sit on the couch when she suddenly squealed. "Ahhh. I'm sorry I almost sat on you. You're blending in with the couch." She swirled her finger in a circle as she backed away. 

"That's alright." The lady said. "Jisoo would you please come and sit next to me?" She patted the seat next to her. 

Dumbfounded as to how the lady knew her name; her real name, Jisoo just walked ahead and sat next to her as she had requested. 

"Looks like you're recovering very well young one. I've never been so glad." She caressed Jisoo’s cheek. The other three just eyed her curiously but was unable to form any sentences out of their mouth. 

As if on cue they heard someone unlocking the front door of the warehouse.

"Sorry I'm late. The line was super long." Yuri strutted in; holding precisely 6 cups of coffee. "Ah, you guys are here."

"I see that you have met with our guest here." Yuri said as she handed each of them a cup of coffee with their designated name on it. 

"Hi, my name is Sandara Park. You guys must have been really surprised, huh? None of you have spoken a word since she almost accidentally sat on me." She pointed her finger at Lisa whose face was blushing with embarrassment. 

"I hate to say this but I told you so." Yuri smirked. "Pay up." She extended her hand playfully in front of Dara's face. 

"I'm just kidding, Lisa. Don't be so tense." Dara said as she also playfully swatted Yuri's hand away from her face. She stood up. "Let me just introduce myself properly this time. Well my name is Sandara Park as I had said earlier. I'm from the Drug Enforcement Administration or it's better known as The DEA. I was the team leader for this operation."

"About a week ago you girls were tasked to a stakeout mission that later turned into a secret meeting mission." Dara continued. "And at the secret meeting Jisoo was shot and our mission was a big success."

The four of them just exchanged a bewildered facial expression amongst themselves upon hearing her last sentence and it didn't go unnoticed by the other two. 

"I know what you're thinking right now. How can it be a success when one of you could have possibly died that night?" She noticed that they subtly nodded their head in unison. "Actually the one who shot you that night is one of our agents. We had been orchestrating the whole thing from the moment you guys were scheduled to arrive here in Melbourne."

She stopped for a while to take a breath before continuing, "You see we've been planting Agent Minho for about three months and we thought it was going well until he reported to us that Top was getting suspicious of him. Top is very suspicious about his people. He never gets close to any of them so I was surprised that it took three months for him to be suspicious of Agent Minho."

"So he needed to get him off his back." Jisoo suddenly chimed in surprising Dara. "And the best way for him to prove his loyalty is definitely to rat out and 'kill' that cop."

"Yep exactly. I have the utmost trust in him knowing that he will not kill you. He is an excellent shooter. He never misses his target." Dara added further. 

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