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The particle accelerator machine had taken up all of the power in the grid so currently there was no electricity in the area. 

30 minutes had passed and all of them were still unconscious except for Jeongyeon. The only one who just woke up. 

"M-Mina?" Jeongyeon called out as she rubbed her throbbing temples. 

"Ugh, my head hurts." Jeongyeon felt something solid next to her and grabbed it with her hands to help her stand up properly. Her eyes adjusted to the pitch black surroundings and she saw the red lights stuck on the wall flashing frantically. Her ears finally stopped ringing and eventually picked up the loud noise coming from the alarm. 

"No. The Alarm." Jeongyeon muttered under her breath. "I need to get everyone out of here but how?" She put her hand in her pocket and fished her phone out. She turned on the flashlight and was relieved that she could see a little better now. 

"Now, who do I take out first?" Jeongyeon flashed the lights to the unconscious bodies in front of her before hearing someone groaned loudly from behind her. She turned around and flashed the lights onto that person who mumbled angrily, "Get that light out of my face. It's blinding me."

"S-Sorry." Jeongyeon also mumbled before she went on to help that person stand up. 

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name earlier? I'm Jeongyeon."

"Tzuyu." The tall girl simply replied as she also rubbed her throbbing temples. 

"Okay, Tzuyu. We need to get everyone out of here. Can you help me out?" 


"By the way, how long do you think until the guards might swarm the area?" 

"I don't know. How long were we unconscious?" 

Jeongyeon looked at her phone and deduced that it must have been more than 30 minutes since they were knocked out. 

"Wow, Wendy wasn't kidding when she said the guards are slow." Tzuyu scoffed and laughed. 


"Probably by the hour. We should hurry."

Tzuyu walked over and lifted Nayeon into her arms. "That's weird. She's like really light." 

"What do you mean?" Jeongyeon asked as she also scooped Mina onto her back. 

Tzuyu doesn't answer Jeongyeon's question. Instead she went and tried to pick up another person. She put them on each of her shoulder. Jeongyeon's eyes grew wider as she saw Tzuyu carrying two people at once. 

"Hey. Are you gonna be okay carrying two people at once?" 

Tzuyu just shrugged before replying, "It's like lifting a feather somehow."

"Okay then. Tell me if it's too much."

The duo moved quickly to haul their friends out of the facility. They put their unconscious friends in the alley nearby before going back in to pick up another person. They managed to get everyone out of the room leaving only Jisoo and Lisa now. 

Both of them went back in there before Jeongyeon remembered that they had kinda already gotten everybody and she was about to pull Tzuyu to leave with her when the younger girl reminded her, "We can't leave them. Did you forget your mission? Retrieve their bodies? That's what Chaeyoung unnie told us just now." 

The older girl slapped herself on the forehead before hurriedly following Tzuyu. Each of them took one body each and as they were about to exit the room, a full team of guards finally arrived with guns aiming at them; shouting for them to drop the bodies. Instinctively Jeongyeon raised her right hand to yell wait but then what happened next baffled her. 

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