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"Go ahead. You can be mad at me." Jeongyeon said as she saw Ryujin's red puffy eyes.

"I'm not mad. I just missed you." Ryujin uttered as she hugged Jeongyeon again.

After breaking the hug, Ryujin laced her fingers with Jeongyeon and led the older sister to the couch. Both of them took a seat next to each other.

"I don't know the full details but I know why you did it. You were running away from them so I can't really be mad at you for hiding out." Ryujin said.

"Always the excellent private investigator aren't you? I'm sorry and I promise I won't stay away again." Jeongyeon uttered as she took Ryujin's hands in hers.

"You're so kind, Jin ah. I literally punched her." Mina said as she came back from the kitchen with Yeji behind her who was carrying a tray with two mugs of coffee.

Ryujin's eyes widened in surprise. "You punched her?" Ryujin's right hand hurriedly cupped Jeongyeon's chin and tilted her face to the left and right. She was trying to find any bruises or scars left from the punch.

"I didn't punch her face." Mina laughed loudly as she saw Ryujin's thorough inspection. "I punched her chest." Mina turned to Yeji and did a little demonstration to Ryujin who was still puzzled.

"Oh, there." Ryujin just scratched her head in amusement.

"Now that you're joking about it, can I just say that it really hurts when you hit me that night."

Mina playfully glared at Jeongyeon before she started laughing which caused the ostrich to follow suit.

"Are you sure you want to drink that coffee? You've got shift 1, right?" Jeongyeon asked as she casually sipped her coffee. "I'm fine cause I need to drive."

"All the more reason to drink the coffee." Mina sipped her coffee while maintaining eye contact with Jeongyeon who just smiled back warmly at her.

"So, have you pack?"

"Sort of? You didn't give much notice so…" Ryujin shrugged.

"Just take what's important only."

"Give us maybe another 30 minutes?" Yeji asked as she stood up and pulled Ryujin towards their respective room to finish packing.

"Go ahead."

On their way down to the van, Ryujin kept clinging to Jeongyeon and refused to let her go. Jeongyeon just smiled happily as she also let Ryujin cling to her.

She dropped Nayeon, Jihyo and Tzuyu at their house first before heading back to Seoul. The drive back to Seoul was quiet as everyone else dozed off except for Mina who was keeping her company as she was sitting shotgun. She didn't want to bother their sleep so she didn't even turn on the radio. The duo just chatted together in a low volume. Jeongyeon dropped each of them at their respective house. When they had arrived at Jennie and Chaeyoung's house, Chaeyoung decided that it would be better if Jisoo and Lisa stayed at Mina's house instead since Jeongyeon was there to look after them.

By the time Jeongyeon had reached Mina's house, it was already nearing 6:00 am so Jeongyeon just told Mina to get ready to go to work and let her take care of Jisoo and Lisa. Ryujin and Yeji helped her moved them into her room as she wasn't gonna use them anyway. Jeongyeon showed Ryujin and Yeji to the extra room in Mina's house before she promptly returned to her own room to supervise Jisoo and Lisa.

She closed the door and sat on the bed softly as if worrying that she would wake them up abruptly. Jeongyeon took Jisoo's right hand in hers and try to detect whether there's a pulse on her wrist. She pressed on her wrist for quite a while since she was unable to detect any pulse but Jisoo's hand felt warm somehow.

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