First Mission

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(A/N : Double update this week cause Twice finally returns as OT9 on stage for their Twicelights concert in Japan. Enjoy 😉)

They have arrived in Melbourne and was walking out of the airport when Chaeyoung suddenly ran from behind them to hug someone.

"Ally. Yay you're here. It's been ages since I've seen you."

"I miss you too. How's work?" She patted her younger sister's back before releasing the hug. 

"I can't really tell you. I'm sorry." Chaeyoung pouted.

"That's alright. I understand. I parked at the usual place. I'll go first and warm up the car."

Chaeyoung just nodded and watched as her sister's figure disappear. She turned her head back to look at the other three only to find that they're looking at her with a stun face. Their mouth gaping.

"Guys?" She waved her hands in front of their faces but received no response.

"GUYS?" She waved again and finally Lisa spoke.

"What the heck? You told your sister to pick us up?" Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Chaeyoung replied innocently.

"We're not here on vacation. That's why." Jennie said.

"We're here cause we're on a mission." Jisoo continued. "It's dangerous to get your family involved since this a covert mission not just your normal average day to day work."

Chaeyoung lightly hit her head when she realised it. "Omo, how can I forget? I'm sorry. Hold up let me just text her that we couldn't go with her." She promptly took her phone out and began texting Alice. "I'm really sorry. I'm just so excited to be back here again." She addressed the trio again.

"That's alright. It's better to realise it now rather than later." Jisoo said while patting Chaeyoung's shoulder. "We'll go visit your family once our mission is finished, okay?"

Chaeyoung just nodded in silence; pursing her lips in agreement.

"So what now?" Jennie asked.

"It is said in the brief that we have to go here." Lisa said. She was checking her notebook.

"Let's grab a taxi." Chaeyoung led them to the taxi area.

They arrived at what it seemed like an abandoned warehouse near the outskirts of the city. There was an all black SUV parked in front of it. The four of them got out of the taxi and walked towards the entrance of the warehouse. Lisa was about to push the front door open but the person inside was quicker than her. 

"You're here. Please come in." She gestured her hand.

The quartet just stood there. Frozen in place. Seeing that they are not budging, she called them out again inviting them to come into the warehouse.

"Please come in. I don't bite. I promise." She chuckled.

The trio then pushed Lisa to go in first before following her. They followed the unknown woman until she stopped to let them know that they can leave their baggage there. Then, they followed her again as she walked towards a room that had been makeshift into a meeting room.

"Please have a seat." She said as they entered the room.

"Sorry that you guys had to start abruptly. We were kinda understaffed at the moment. My name is Kwon Yuri and I will be your handler. My code-name is Black Pearl. Anytime you guys need to call me in the field please address me using this. Have all of you read the brief?"

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