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"About that. I kinda had a flashback. I think." Mina scratched her non-itchy head.

Jeongyeon just stared back at the penguin and gave her a subtle nod for her to continue.

"I'm supposed to go see a witness today but when I arrived, before I could even knock on the door, I heard a window was broken."

"So you instantly ran towards the sound?" Jeongyeon intercepted and Mina just smiled shyly. Jeongyeon sighed before she continued, "Some things never change. It's dangerous to just charge like that."

"I know. I'm sorry but I thought it was nothing." Mina pursed her lips into a thin line in hopes that Jeongyeon wouldn't scold her for her reckless action.

"That's the funny thing. I thought I was the reckless one. You used to scold me, you know." Jeongyeon uttered and Mina just laughed.

"That's cause you became Captain, unnie. You stop being reckless and for some reason, I took that trait of yours." Mina chuckled.

"Heh." Jeongyeon chuckled as well before she said, "Why didn't you go with that baby cub?"

"Auditors were coming by and as usual Chaeyoung is the one who normally attends to them. I mean I did wait for like... half an hour but the auditors kept inquiring about this and that so we're getting late." Mina shrugged.

"Mina yah. I'm thankful that nothing happens to you but still please be careful out there. You could have called for me as backup. I'm not even doing anything at home."

"I know. I was just wondering. How did you find me there though?"

"I'm not sure either. Momo said that I was shouting out your name and then suddenly there's this image of an alley that was planted in my mind. My hands and feet just sort of moved on its own. It's like I've been hypnotised." Jeongyeon explained.

"Huh?" Mina suddenly thought. "The last person I remembered in my head before I black out was you. It was you! Unnie it was you!"

Jeongyeon saw Mina stared at her blankly again so she chuckled at the sight when the door suddenly flew open. Their heads instantly snapped towards the door and they saw Jihyo strutting inside.

"Hey guys. I guess my shift ends a little earlier than I thought." Jihyo laughed. "So shall we continue?" Jihyo took a seat across the ostrich and penguin who nodded their heads in unison.

"I kinda remembered something." Mina began. "It could be that I just woke up just now so my brain was kinda scrambled but now I kinda remember it."

"So what happened?"

"I followed an unknown person into an alley but the person suddenly vanished so I walked into the alley to check for any hiding places when a..." Mina scratched her nape as she tried to figure out the weapon that hit her head. "A... A baseball bat... I think?" She lifted one of her brows.

"So that person hit you with a baseball bat on your... head?" Jeongyeon completed Mina's sentences.

"Y-Yeah like that but I can't remember the person's face, though." Mina sighed. "I remember the silhouette of the person leaving me in the alley but I don't remember the face."

"You did see the face?"

"I did. It's kinda like a 'you blink it and you miss it moment.'" Mina lifted her hands and her fingers curled to quote her own words.

"So you got hit on the back of your head." Jihyo summarised.


"There were no bruises whatsoever, let alone a bump or worse, internal bleeding. You were perfectly fine."

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