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"Unnieeeeeee, please wake up!!! It's already 4:00 am. We are both gonna be late for our first day at work today." Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs in an attempt to wake her unnie.

Jisoo and Lisa met each other for the first time at the dorm of the police academy. Lisa was assigned the same dorm room as Jisoo. Jisoo was unpacking her bag when Lisa arrived. They had been training together ever since. Soon after that they become besties. After a couple of years of training the duo had managed to graduate from the academy with flying colours. Upon graduation, both of them applied together and felt grateful that they were both assigned at the same station. The station that they were assigned to have three shifts with eight hour each. It's 6:00 am to 2:00 pm (Shift 1), 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm (Shift 2) and 10:00 pm to 6:00 am (Shift 3).

Half an hour later, Lisa walked up to Jisoo's room again only to find that she was still sleeping.

She sighed under her breath while moving closer to Jisoo's bed before saying, "Jisoo yah" whilst patting her left shoulder to stir her awake.

A still half-asleep Jisoo mumbled, "I'm sleepy. I need to sleep."

Ignoring Jisoo's plead, Lisa lifted both of Jisoo's hands to pull her body up. "Please don't. We're gonna be late. Come on, please."

Both of them struggled for a little bit between the push and pull before Jisoo let out an unwilling scream as an attempt to resist Lisa who was still pulling her out of her bed.

"Are you going to get up or not?" Lisa asked Jisoo again and seeing that Jisoo gave no response, Lisa proceeded to piggyback her out of her bed to the sofa in the living room. Jisoo's eyes were still closed when Lisa carried her out of the room.

"Ah, you're so heavy. Jeez." Lisa said as she set Jisoo on the sofa.

"What time is it now?" Jisoo muttered under her breath. Her eyes remained closed. Her head leaned back against the sofa comfortably.

Lisa tapped her foot impatiently before settling herself onto the sofa with a thud that abruptly shook Jisoo's body which promptly made her eyes flutter.

"It's 4:36 am." Lisa leaned her head onto Jisoo's shoulder.

"Aww, already?" Jisoo sighed.

"Yep, we haven't got any more time to waste. Come on unnie. Go have a bath then we can have breakfast."

"How do I look?" Lisa asked whilst still posing in front of the mirror.

"Wow, you look so cool." Jisoo sit in front of Lisa with her hands acting like a camera. She clicked her tongue as if imitating a camera shutter.

"Stop it unnie." Lisa took both of Jisoo's hands to stop her in her tracks. "It's not like this is the first time you saw me wearing it."

"Sure, but this is the first time you're wearing it as a legit police officer. Back then you were just a cadet. It doesn't count." Jisoo smirked back.

"Anyway I'm real proud of you." Jisoo's smirk quickly transformed to a sincere smile.

It always melted Lisa's heart whenever she saw Jisoo smile like that. Jisoo's eyes would be squeezed tight and her lips would form a heart shape. "Aww I'm proud of you too unnie." Lisa went on to hug the older girl. "I'm proud of us. Now we're living the dream." Lisa released the hug and put both of her hands on Jisoo's shoulders giving it a slight squeeze before picking up her peaked cap.

It was early in the morning so the street was practically still empty. The duo decided to take a walk to get to the station since it was super close to their house. They had recently relocated to that area so it would be easy for them to go to work.

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