Captain Jeong

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3 years ago. 

"Captain! You're here." Sana and Mina said at the same time; raising their hands to salute. 

"Yes Sergeant Sana and Sergeant Mina. What did Chief say?" Jeongyeon said. 

"She said that you should take position up there on that hill within the hour." Sana replied. 

"Copy that. Anything else I need to know?"

"Um, nothing else." Mina answered. "Wait, Captain Jeong!" 

Jeongyeon stopped in her tracks and turned to look at her. Sana had already walked ahead of Mina. 

"Good luck." Mina said softly; almost whispering the words and Jeongyeon just smiled back sincerely at her before resuming her walk. 

"Okay I'm already up here. Are you guys at your designated place?" Jeongyeon asked. She was preparing her sniper rifle and proceeded to lie down on her front. 

"Yes we are." Sana replied. 

"I see the target." Jeongyeon said as she browsed through the scope. "Permission to shoot to kill?" 

"Allowed." Mina's voice rang in Jeongyeon's ears. 


With one clean shot, the target was down. 

"Great job as always, Jeong." 

"We'll take it from here. You can go back first. We'll see you at the station for debriefing." Mina added. 

That has always been Jeongyeon's job these days. She was very lethal with a sniper rifle. As what most of her colleagues would say, she's the most dangerous when she's further away from you. 

They were always a team of three that is until Dahyun got transferred to their station and was appointed to become Sana's partner. Thus making Jeongyeon inadvertently Mina's partner. Jeongyeon was happy when she had received the news that she would become Mina's partner although she also didn't mind if Sana became her partner as well since both of them are her best friends. As a matter of fact, Jeongyeon was actually closer to Mina than Sana since Mina entered the academy first before Sana but Jeongyeon still loved both of them equally nonetheless. 

"Nice shot as always." Dahyun greeted her when she entered the station. 

Jeongyeon just smiled humbly. "I didn't see you out with us today?" 

"Oh, Chief needed me here at the station and she said that she knows you three would excel this mission without me."

"Ah, anyway I need to get to debriefing. See you later." Jeongyeon waved at her before walking past her towards the meeting room. It was still empty since Sana and Mina had not returned yet. 

About half an hour later, two figures finally entered the meeting room Jeongyeon was in. 

"Just the usual." Sana said as she sat down. "Our teamwork are still tiptop. Although it would have been better if Dahyun was there with us too."

"The Chief needed her here at the station. Maybe next time." 

"One more thing. We found out that there was another target in the car." Mina uttered. 

"Two targets? But I only saw one."

"There were evidenced of another person in the car. They were probably lying down on the back seat and left as soon as you made the shot." Mina continued. 

"The back door was left open when we went checking and there were traces of footsteps."

"And you didn't follow it?" Jeongyeon asked. 

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