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"I don't know why I'm so nervous." Jisoo squirmed in her seat.

"Me too. I feel weird for being nervous." Lisa replied in agreement.

"Umm, there's nothing wrong with being nervous." Chaeyoung uttered.

"That's easy for you to say. You don't even look nervous." Jennie replied while glaring playfully at her.

"I am nervous. You can't see it?" Chaeyoung's eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Now that you had said it, I can kinda see it." Jisoo eyed her mischievously.

"Whatever guys. Now let's focus and remember what we plan to say yesterday. Our approval depends on this." Jennie said with determination in her eyes.

"Wow. All of sudden it sounds so serious Jendeuk ah."

Ignoring Jisoo's remark, Jennie turned her head towards the clock hanging on the wall to see the time. "Shush. Chief is gonna call us any second."

Soon after that, they heard Chief Sooyoung shouted from inside her room. "JENCHULICHAENG! GET IN HERE!"

"Ooohh, there she goes." Jisoo muttered. All of them began to walk towards the Chief's room.

"Wait!" Jisoo whisper shouted. The other three turned back to face her.

"Let's do a little cheer." Jisoo requested. The trio eyed her curiously but wasted no time putting their hands on top of one another because they don't want to keep the Chief waiting. All four of them let out a low Ha! before resuming their walk to the Chief's room.

Jennie knocked on the door.

"You may get in." Chief Sooyoung's voice can be faintly heard behind the closed door.

The four of them entered the room one by one. Then, each of them stand in a straight line in front of the Chief's desk waiting for her to invite them to sit. 

"Please have a seat." Chief Sooyoung pointed her hands towards the sofa at the corner of her office. She got up from her seat and moved towards the sofa along with the four of them. Her hands swiftly grabbing a file with the word 'waiting for approval' written on it.

"So." The Chief began. Her hands fiddled with the paper in the file.

The four of them just observed their Chief; waiting for her to say something.

"All four of you wanted to be undercover cops at the same time?"

"Yeah, with your permission that is." Jisoo answered calmly with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hmm." Chief Sooyoung stroke her chin with her left hand whilst her right hand held the application form.

"It would be wrong of me to hold you back here if you really wanted to do this." She put the paper down on the table. "You've got potential. So I am going to approve this."

"Really?" Jennie asked; surprised at the Chief's quick decision.

"Well. I have thought about it for a while. I knew one of these days you will send these forms to me." She smiled.

"You know Chief, we prepared a speech and everything just in case you weren't convinced to approve it." Chaeyoung blurted out earning a playful slap on her arm by Lisa.

The Chief laughed. "Hahaha, you had a script?"

"Sort of." Lisa answered.

"Can I maybe hear it?"

"Sure." Jisoo responded. "It's supposed to go like this if you didn't agree. We would have asked you to consider maybe sending us in pairs so that not all of us is gone from the station."

Superpower Mania (Twicepink/Blacktwice)Where stories live. Discover now