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They were all engaged in a heated fight when they suddenly heard a high pitch scream that somehow managed to freeze all of them in their places.

It was Momo. She sobbed hard as her hand dropped the sword that she was holding and immediately caught Jeongyeon into her embrace. The blade was covered in blood. Presumably Jeongyeon's blood.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jeongie. I didn't mean it. This is all just an accident." Momo mumbled as she laid Jeongyeon on her lap. All of them quickly ran in their direction.

Sana reached there first and her eyes widened in surprise. "Wha- " She looked at Momo in disgust. "You did not just slashed Jeongie's throat." Her voice was stern and audible surprised sounds could be heard as they all inched closer towards her.

Jeongyeon could be heard gasping for air as her eyes tried to focus on Momo. Her mouth moved in an effort to talk but no sound could be heard. She would reject Momo's embrace but felt herself being too powerless to even move her own body.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Jihyo came through and pushed everybody out of the way. Everybody just stood there watching Jeongyeon wriggled in horror. Jihyo sat beside Jeongyeon and wrapped her own hands onto her throat. "Get me a rag or a cloth, or-or anything. J-just anything please!" Jihyo shouted.

Tzuyu and Nayeon moved at the order and the two of them came back bringing a t-shirt in each of their hands in which Jihyo took them swiftly to cover the injured throat again.

"W-why?" Jeongyeon croaked. Her voice was super airy and hoarse. There's tears coming out of her eyes.

Momo stared at her and her face grew redder as she tried to answer but she couldn't. Only her loud sobs could be heard as she held onto Jeongyeon's head dearly.

"Someone call 119!" Jihyo ordered again.

"Done!" Mina shouted back as she now approached the circle. "Now we just need Jeongyeon unnie to hold on." Mina sat close at Jeongyeon's head and rubbed her hand on her forehead softly. She lowered her head to connect their foreheads. "Hold on. Hold on unnie. Help is coming."

Chaeyoung stood there silently as she watched everything unfold in front of her very eyes. Terror struck her heart since she stayed frozen by the corner unable to even step closer to them. She felt her own tears coming out of her eyes before suddenly screaming, unable to comprehend the reality of the situation that just happened.

She felt someone push her shoulders harshly which jerked her eyes open.

"Chaeyoung ah, Chaeng ah! You okay?" Jisoo looked at her with worry in her eyes.

Chaeyoung rose up from her bed as she backed away in surprise. "Ji-Jisoo unnie?"

"Yes. It's me. You okay? You were shouting in your sleep." Jisoo walked forward to sit on the edge of the bed.

Chaeyoung just stared back at her in disbelief. Her breathing ragged as she pulled her knees closed to her chest. Her eyes let out the tears that were brimming in her eyes.

"It's okay Chaeng. I'm here now." Jisoo moved a little closer to envelope the chipmunk in a warm hug. "It's just a nightmare. Shh. It's okay." She cooed into her ear and it seemed like she was calming down.

The next morning, Chaeyoung sat down quietly at the dining table as she eyed both Jeongyeon and Momo. The two of them playfully stole each other's food on their plate.

"Jisoo unnie said you had a nightmare." Lisa said as she pulled the chair and sat right next to her which effectively pulled her attention away from Jeongyeon and Momo.

Her gaze shifted to Lisa who put the doughnut in her mouth to bite a small chunk of it. She nodded softly before putting her head down to look at her own plate. Her doughnuts remained untouched.

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