Catch Up

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Mina hurriedly cupped the ostrich's face as she uttered, "You okay, unnie? Blood is coming out of your nose." She talked casually as if nothing was happening.

"I'm okay." She chuckled weakly. "Just a little... tired." Jeongyeon managed to huff out before she passed out on Mina's chest.

"Unnie? Jeongyeon Unnie!" Mina screamed as she struggled to lift herself off of the couch. Jeongyeon was kneeling on the floor and Mina lifted Jeongyeon's head carefully before placing them in her lap. She turned around and finally saw Jihyo huffing over by the window trying to stop Seulgi from walking over her. She frowned for a moment before remembering her words in the memory which kept echoing at the back of her head. "See that window over there? Why don't you jump off of it?"

Realising that it might be her mistake, Mina loudly uttered, "Stop! Don't jump!"

Her words took effect immediately as Seulgi quickly dazed out of it when she asked Jihyo, "What's going on? Why are we here?"

Jihyo gave her friend a brief hug before walking over towards the couch and landed herself onto it with a thud. She panted in between breaths and managed to say, "Thank you."

Mina pulled Jeongyeon over onto the couch with Seulgi coming over to help her. Seulgi took a seat right next to Jihyo after that.

After regaining control of her own breathing, Jihyo finally uttered, "So... your power... is hypnotising people."

Mina lifted her head up to look at Jihyo with a puzzled face as if asking subtly whether they should be discussing their powers in front of Seulgi. Jihyo took in the cue as she calmly answered, "She knows. She has power too."

"Yeah, I do." Seulgi smiled. "I'm..." Instead of saying what her power was, Seulgi spread her palm open to demonstrate her powers. A tiny ball of flame floated on top of her palm for a brief moment before she extinguished it by closing her palm.

"Wow. That's cool." Mina uttered when she suddenly chuckled as she heard Jeongyeon snoring softly on her lap. "Is it taking a toll on her?" Mina raised her brows.

"A little given that she fainted. Although I'm pretty sure she's just sleeping now." Jihyo answered. "Well she earned it. She stopped the time just now so Seul here won't go over the window. She had to snap me out of the time stop to help her and even worse, the time didn't really stop. Only that it was delayed cause she's still moving even if it's slow." She nudged her head in Seulgi's direction.

Mina looked at Seulgi in the eye apologetically. "I'm sorry. We just met and I'm already unconsciously trying to kill you." She pouted.

"Hey no worries." Seulgi chuckled. "I didn't die so it's alright. Although now that this happened, I gotta tell you that I'm actually susceptible to hypnosis very easily."

Jihyo gasped. "What? Yah Seul! You could have told me that beforehand. I just put you in danger, man."

Seulgi just smiled at the remark when Jihyo glanced over to Mina and saw her confused face. "She is a doctor but not exactly a hypnotist. She can do basic hypnosis so that's why I asked her for help."

"I'm a psychiatrist but hypnosis is not my most valuable skill. I can do basic hypnosis to help people remember or forget something. Anything further I have no idea." Seulgi giggled.

"Oh!" Mina remarked shyly.


"You're acting weird these days." Wendy uttered to a slumping Joy.

"Am I not always weird?" Joy said as she slumped further on the couch.

"Different kinds of weird. Did something happen?"

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