Going Crazy?

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Ever since Jisoo and Lisa went on another undercover mission, Jennie seemed to be more and more detached from the real world. She was always daydreaming at her desk when they were at the station and when they get home the same thing happened again only now in the comfort of her bed. These days, she barely talked to the others. Her mind was always going off somewhere, never staying together with her body. If anything she kinda seemed like she's losing her mind sometimes. 

"Unnie." Chaeyoung called out without lifting her head from her desk. She didn't hear any response so she called out again. "Unnie?" 

She lifted her head and saw Jennie looking straight at her but with a dead expression as if her soul was not there. Chaeyoung lifted her hand and waved it in front of Jennie's face. "Jennie unnie?" 

Jennie still seemed to be out of it and can't see Chaeyoung's hand in front of her nor hear Chaeyoung's voice calling for her. Disappointed that Jennie was daydreaming again, Chaeyoung let out a frustrated sigh before standing up from her seat and walked over to Jennie's desk. She took a deep breath before lightly pushing Jennie's shoulder which practically pulled her back from whatever realm she had visited in her mind. Jennie turned her head to look at Chaeyoung with a bewildered look plastered on her face before casually asking, "Yeah, Chaeyoung? What do you need?" 

Chaeyoung took another deep breath before replying, "I need you to snap out of it. Please."

"Me? Snap out of what?" Jennie innocently replied with a sweet smile on her face and Chaeyoung can't help but felt her blood boil even further. She closed her eyes and scoffed before angrily stomping away from Jennie to meet the other Chaeyoung half way through, leaving Jennie with a puzzled look on her face. 

"Why is she acting that way? Jeez." Jennie whispered to herself before falling back into the trance that Chaeyoung barely even disrupted just now. 

Chaeyoung pulled the other Chaeyoung in a rush causing the younger one to slightly shriek in surprise. "AH! Unnie. What's wrong?" 

Chaeyoung doesn't even reply and the younger girl knew not to question any further and just let herself being pulled around by the older girl until they went outside the station and reached the bench where Lisa had first met Chaeyoung. 

She let go of her hold on Chaeyoung's arm and seated herself on the bench with a loud huff. She patted the seat next to her with a loud smack and Chaeyoung hurriedly sat down. 

"I'm so stressed, Chaeng." She buried her face in her hands. "She's been acting that way since Jisoo unnie and Lisa had left for another undercover mission."

The strawberry princess thought hard on what she should say as her brows were scrunched hard. She doesn't want to make things worse but she also wanted to cheer her up. 

"Unnie." Chaeyoung began and she saw the older girl lifted her head to look at her in the eyes and she gulped. Luckily, the older girl was too distraught to even notice it. 

"Hmm?" The older girl hummed. 

The younger girl blinked her eyes several times before finally letting the words out of her mouth. "Please don't be mad but can I ask you this?" 


"Has she ever been like this before? Like at all?" Chaeyoung's face scrunched in worry waiting for the other Chaeyoung's answer. 

Chaeyoung just sighed before firmly replying, "No. Never."

"I know that Jisoo unnie got shot but you guys never really tell us anything beyond that."

"There's really nothing much to tell except that Jennie unnie really beat herself up badly over that incident. I think she still blames herself even if Jisoo unnie is totally alive and fine."

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