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"How is she? Is she alright?"

Jihyo nodded in agreement. "Thankfully yes. She will be alright."

"Oh thank you doctor. Thank you so much for saving my friend's life." Jennie stopped sobbing and immediately went to hug her. 

Jihyo just smiled shyly and lightly patted Jennie's back. Her eyes scanned the living room and found no trace of Alice. "About that… um there's something I need to tell you. Has Alice went to sleep?" She whispered. 

The three of them scooted closer towards Jihyo when she started whispering out of nowhere. 

"What did you ask just now? I couldn't hear you." Chaeyoung asked with her normal voice but was immediately shushed by Jihyo who put her index finger up to her lips. 

"Why are we whispering?" Lisa asked silently almost as if she was mouthing them instead of whispering them. 

"Has Alice went to sleep?" Jihyo whispered again ignoring Lisa's question earlier and this time around the three of them responded by bobbing their head up and down. 

In response, Jihyo doesn't say anything back but her hand stealthily slipped over her business card in Lisa's hands. She just mouthed back to them, "Contact me later and I'll tell you all about it." Her finger pointing at the card in Lisa's closed palm. 

Jihyo disappeared from their point of view by going back in the room. 

"We should go. Our work is done." Jihyo said as she closed the door. 

Nayeon and Tzuyu just nodded their heads in unison before hauling their equipment out. 

"You guys should rest. She should be awake by tomorrow." Nayeon said as she passed by them. 

"I've put some morphine on the bedside table. Give it to her tomorrow to ease her pain when she wakes up." Tzuyu continued. 

"Thanks again. We're indebted to you guys. How can we ever pay you?" Chaeyoung smiled sincerely. 

"We're just doing our jobs. We'll be going now. Tell Alice that we left, yeah?" Jihyo said as she waved her hand. Before she got into the driver's side of the car she turned her head one last time towards the trio to remind them to contact her by lifting her right hand to mimic a call. 

"What's that all really about, huh?" Jennie asked. 

"I don't know." Lisa just shrugged. 

"Let's think about that later, okay? We should try and get some sleep. Especially now that we know that unnie is okay." Chaeyoung suggested as she walked off before realising that Alice forgot to show them where they're gonna sleep tonight. She turned back towards Lisa and Jennie. Her face scrunched into a worried look. 

"We know that look." Lisa said. 

"I'm sorry. I forgot to as-" 

"Doesn't matter. The couch seems big enough for the three of us." Jennie cut Chaeyoung off. She pulled Chaeyoung's wrist as she was still standing like a statue. 

"You didn't tell them yet right?" Nayeon asked as they reached their dorm room. 

"Nope but I did tell them to contact me later."

"Good thing tomorrow is our day off." Tzuyu uttered as she flung her body onto the bed. 

"Anyway good job on that surgery just now. I ought to treat you guys out tomorrow for all of that hard work."

"Aww, you don't have to do that. You know that we would always have your back." Nayeon smiled. 

"Yeah, yeah but I still wanna treat you guys."

Superpower Mania (Twicepink/Blacktwice)Where stories live. Discover now