Dug Up

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"Okay. On three." Jeongyeon instructed. "One. Two. Three."

Jeongyeon and Momo clenched their teeth and lifted the door with all their might.

"FINALLY!" Momo shouted happily.

Both of them began to dig deeper into the ground with their hands. They wanted to use the shovel to be quicker but was worried about the possibility that they would hit the person inside.

"I got it!" Jeongyeon bellowed. "Here, help me pull." Jeongyeon guided Momo's hands and they both lift Lisa up. Lisa sprawled on the ground, coughing and gasping for breath. The sight of the police uniform made Jeongyeon slightly shiver. Momo caught Jeongyeon's eyes scanning the uniform and she put her hands on her shoulder to reassure her. Both of them nodding in unison to finish what they had started.

"Ex-excuse me. The-there's another person in there. Pl-please help her." Lisa's eyes were still foggy but she tried her best to shout that there was another person in the car.

Momo heard it and went to her side to confirm what she had heard. "There's another person?"

Lisa nodded weakly and Momo shortly left her side to help that other person. The sound of the siren was gradually getting louder and louder. The pair turned their heads towards the sound before looking at each other again.

"Go tell them that there's a person here." Momo signalled to Jeongyeon.

Without breaking their eye-contact Jeongyeon nodded and ran towards them, waving her hands wildly over her head to attract their attention. "OVER HERE! THERE'S PEOPLE OVER HERE!"

The paramedics made their way through and shouted over the pouring rain "PLEASE MOVE THE TRUCK! IT'S BLOCKING THE AMBULANCE!"

Jeongyeon just nodded respectfully before running to the truck to move it out of the way. In the meantime, due to what Lisa had said, Momo managed to find Jisoo and was already successful in pulling her out. Unlike Lisa, Jisoo was fully unconscious the moment she was pulled out. Momo was worried and tried to do CPR. She temporarily did chest compressions before abruptly being told to move aside by the paramedics. Momo complied and stand on the side watching the paramedics do their jobs before feeling a hand crept out on her back. "We need to go." Jeongyeon whispered in Momo's ears. She reluctantly moved her feet and walked back towards the truck, hand in hand with Jeongyeon. Her eyes never leaving Jisoo's motionless body that is until it was out of her sight.

"Sana unnie. Don't you think it's weird that they're not back yet?" Dahyun asked fidgeting with the switch on her robot toy.

"What's so weird about it? It must have taken them more time to interview that witness I suppose."

"They have been gone for more than three hours. They're supposed to be back before the shift is over." Dahyun uttered. Her voice sounding slightly concerned.

"Oh, yeay. It's almost time to go back." Sana got up from her seat and did a little happy dance at her desk.

"UNNIE!" Dahyun shouted unintentionally.

Sana was kinda taken aback but she didn't get mad at it. Instead she looked towards Dahyun with an increasing interest. Realising that she had shouted at Sana, Dahyun flinched her face in regret immediately saying sorry to her.

"It's alright. I'm not mad." Sana reassured the younger girl. "What's bothering you?"

"I don't know. I kinda had a feeling. What if the address that I got them was wrong and that lead them to get involved in something bad?" Dahyun started to sob in her seat.

Sana moved from her desk to hold her dongsaeng in a hug. "Dubu yah. Don't think about it that way." She wiped the tears that started to come out of Dahyun's eyes.

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