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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Jisoo voiced out her concerns.

"I'll be alright." Lisa tried to reassure her big sis. "Besides, you're not in a good condition to go. I don't want you to get sicker. I need you to get better."

"I could just sit in the patrol car waiting for you while you go interview that person." Jisoo pouted. "Pretty please? Let me come with you."

Lisa was feeling guilty. She wanted her unnie to rest but at the same time she doesn't want to disappoint her. Jisoo had only been sick since yesterday.

"It's just a cough, Lali. I can handle it. Come on let's get going or we're gonna arrive late. We're going! See you later peeps." 

"Ohyo, ohyo. Nyeongan unnie." Sana waved goodbye to Jisoo and Lisa.

"Take care and come back safely." Dahyun blew them both a kiss.

Lisa wanted to protest but Jisoo had already pulled her out of the station. They came to a halt in front of the car and Lisa saw Jisoo was trying to get into the driver's seat. Lisa hurriedly ran in front of her extending her arms blocking her way from entering the car.

"Wait, wait. Oppa will drive you today." 

Jisoo's face scrunched upon hearing the word 'oppa' but she doesn't say anything back.

The witness that they were going to visit lives somewhat in a very rural area. There were nothing else to be seen except tons of forest surrounding the area. They have arrived and Lisa just parked the car by the side of the road next to the mountain. On their way to the place, it started to suddenly rains heavily. Therefore, Lisa was still sitting in the car waiting for the rain to subside.

"What are we gonna do? It's been 45 minutes."

"I guess I'll just go. It looks like the rain is not gonna stop any time soon."

Lisa was about to open the car door when she felt Jisoo's hands on her shoulders. 

"Here. Take this. Cover your head with it since we don't have an umbrella." Jisoo held out a leather jacket in her hand.

"Thanks. I'll promise to be fast."

Lisa had arrived in front of the house and had been knocking on the door for about 10 minutes. The house was eerily silent with no response whenever she knocked on the door. 

"Hello. Is anyone home?" Lisa shouted. She tried knocking one more time only to be met with the same result. "I'm pretty sure this is the correct address. Dubu can't have given me the wrong address now, would she?" She whispered to herself. "Maybe the owner went out somewhere. I guess I'll wait 10 more minutes."

15 minutes had passed and the sight of the house owner are still nowhere to be found. The spooky silence from the surroundings gave Lisa goosebumps. She rubbed her hands to the side of her body to warm herself. She made up her mind to head back to the car with a frustrated sigh.

Jisoo was playing a game on her phone while waiting for Lisa. She heard the door clicked open and was surprised to see that Lisa had already returned. She tucked her phone back into her pocket.

"Eh, you're back already?"

"Yeah." Her tone sounded gloomy. "No one answered the door." Her face looked sad.

"Do you want to go back or wait?"

"We should just go right?"

Jisoo just nodded and Lisa inserted the car key into its slot. She was about to turn on the engine when the car suddenly flip over due to an abundance of dirt pushing the car over to its side. The insides of the car instantly become dark. Due to the heavy rainfall, the soil on the mountain next to them had become slushy causing a landslide to happen.

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