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"They're dead! They're dead! They're dead!" Momo was shouting at the park like a crazy person. The blood on her sword were still fresh. She raked her hands on her hair and she fell down to the ground on her knees; still sobbing over their deaths when a hand touched her shoulder.

"You've completed the job. Jeongyeon won't be harmed and you're effectively terminated from your job as a bodyguard at our company. Please move out as soon as possible from the company's house." Irene's voice was cold and calculated with no sense of sympathy.

Momo lifted her head to look at Irene. She tried to say something but no words come out of her mouth.

"You look like crap. Go clean yourself up. We'll handle this one."

Momo tried to stand up but her feet was still wobbly so she used her hands to help propped her up to stand. She walked away from them and glanced one last time whispering, "I'm s-so sorry." At that moment, all the gears finally clicked in Momo's head as she realised the duo was the two cops that Jeongyeon and her had previously saved.

"Omo. I'm so stupid."

Momo's sobs grew even louder at the revelation. She hurriedly ran out of the park to go home as she couldn't bear any more second looking at their dead body.

Momo cleaned herself up and immediately dialed Jeongyeon's number.

"Momo? How many times do I have to tell you not to call me for fun? They could have been tracking us." Jeongyeon's voice was stern on the other side of the phone.

"Je-Jeongie." Momo's voice broke out hoarsely.

"Mo? What happened? A-Are you okay?" Jeongyeon's voice quickly softened.

"I need to see you. Come pick me up."

"What about your job?" Jeongyeon's voice grew even more concerned.

"They fired me. Please pick me up. I felt like dying."

"Okay. I'll come pick you up now. Pack your stuff okay?"

"Yeah. Hurry up, please."

Irene showed up again at their house and this time she doesn't even try to hide herself. She straight up went to the door and knocked confidently. However, Chaeyoung was the one who opened the door instead.

"Oh? Who are you? How can I help you?" Chaeyoung asked with a bright smile on her face.

"I want to see Jennie." Irene's face was serious and she didn't even bother to return the smile.

"One second." The chipmunk walked away from the door to fetch her unnie and soon after Jennie returned to the door alone.

"What do you want now?" Jennie's voice was clearly vexed at the sight of Irene.

"Careful now. You don't want anyone else to die now, do you?" Irene replied with a smirk on her face.

Jennie fake a cough so that she could turned her head sidewards. While her head was turned, she took the chance to roll her eyes before forcing herself to reply back politely.

"What do you need?"

"Atta girl." Irene patted Jennie on the head. "I don't need anything. I'm just here to inform you that Momo has succeeded. So your debt has been paid."

"A snake like her would never let me off that easy." Jennie thought.

"Am I free now? And my friend?"

"Yes and she won't be harmed unless you decide to meddle with us again."

"Okay. Thank you."

It took quite a while for Jeongyeon to arrive at Momo's place since she had to drive all the way from Seoul to Busan. When she arrived at Momo's place, the door to her house was left opened and Jeongyeon found Momo sleeping on the couch with tear-stain on her cheeks. Jeongyeon doesn't want to wake Momo up so she carefully lifted the girl to her car and placed her at the back seat. Then, she grabbed the luggage and helped Momo to pack before putting the luggage in the trunk. Momo slept all the way through on their journey back to Seoul and only woke up when they finally arrived.

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