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"Jendeukieee!!!, where are youuuu???" Jisoo screamed at the top of her lungs. The cloud of dust appearing surrounding her does not help her eyes scanning the younger girl. Jisoo struggled to keep her eyes open because of all the dust that only seemed to get thicker. The ground continued to shake roughly making it tough for her stand up properly. Jisoo propped up her palms in an attempt to stand up.

"Chaeng ah!!! Lisa yah!!!, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS??!" Jisoo made an effort to shout their names again only to receive no response. The surrounding area was a mess as everyone tried to escape. It was extremely noisy as everyone in the area was either busy screaming trying to flee or busy looking for their beloved just like Jisoo. 

Jisoo started to move forward and scatter through the area to find her dear friends. In the distance, Jisoo noticed that a pair of hands was struggling to get out from under a beam. She hurriedly ran towards that person to help. It turned out that Chaeyoung was the person stuck under the beam. 

"Chaeng ah, are you alright? Here take my hand." Jisoo said that in a rush with a concerned voice. Thank goodness that the beam didn't actually hit Chaeyoung at all. She was merely stuck underneath it. Upon escaping from under the beam, Chaeyoung hastily hugged Jisoo securely as if she never wanted to let her go. Jisoo proceeded to hug Chaeyoung back and they just stay like that for a little while.

"Unnie, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you. All of this might not have happened if I wasn't so persistent." Chaeyoung sobbed slowly while releasing her hug. 

"Shhh, Chaeng ah. This is not your fault." Jisoo put up her forefinger to Chaeyoung's lips. "Let's not talk about this right now. What is more important right now is where Jendeuk and Lisa are. We'll discuss about this altogether after we find them okay? They might be in trouble, so let's focus on finding them first." Jisoo reminded Chaeyoung. 

"Alright, let's go find them. They can't be that far." Chaeyoung said it with determination in her eyes. She wiped a single tear that escaped from her left eye. 

Both of them stood together and began searching the surrounding area. They scanned each of the wreckage to see if there was anyone that needed any help. They managed to help a couple of people out of the wreckage but still have not seen any sign of Jennie or Lisa anywhere. 

Thirty minutes had passed and neither Jisoo nor Chaeyoung had found the other two. Both of them started to get more worried as more time passed. 

"I don't get it, I feel like we have searched everywhere but why don't I see them. Nothing bad happened to them, right Unnie?" Chaeyoung voiced her concerns. Her face distressed. 

"We just have to search more. They must be somewhere around here. You do remember what outfit they were wearing, right?" Jisoo replied without looking at Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung was about to reply when Jisoo suddenly screamed calling for Chaeyoung prompting the other girl to come to her. 

"Here help me lift this table. I think I saw Jendeuk's shoes under there." Jisoo ordered. 

After removing the table they found Jennie stuck between the two tables where one of the tables had been lifted away. Jisoo flipped Jennie's body so that she would be facing them. She appeared to be unconscious so Chaeyoung was lightly slapping Jennie's cheeks to wake her up. The light slap was doing nothing to help Jennie wake up so Chaeyoung shook her body vigorously but still obtained the same result. Hence, Jisoo decided to look for Lisa while Chaeyoung stayed by Jennie's side until she woke up. Chaeyoung nodded at Jisoo's suggestion and watched her figure disappeared as she went outside. 

"Jisoo unnie, Jennie unnie, Chaeyoung-ah, where are you guys?" Lisa shouted weakly into the distance. Her glasses had dropped off from her face during the ensuing chaos and now her hands were scrambling frantically on the ground looking for her precious set of extra eyes. Lisa felt that she might not be able to look for her glasses this way so she decided to give up early and proceeded to just sit and ponder at what has just happened. "I can't believe that this had to happen on the day I choose to wear my glasses. Should've worn my contacts." She sighed loudly. 

The ground was beginning to shake violently a while ago when all four of them was just strolling casually through the streets trying to make their way home. The quartet had come here for a festive lunch at the behest of one Park Chaeyoung. It was hot and humid outside. Even the air felt slightly thicker and sticky at times. The sun was shining brightly as ever and that made Lisa felt like she's invincible as if she could take on the world or something. That was until suddenly the sky suddenly turned pitch black as if it was already night and then the ground started to quake and all hell broke loose.

Lisa was not sure where everybody was when it happened. She just heard Jisoo yelled, "RUN!" real loud and that was all it took for her to start sprinting at least to where she thought was safe at the moment. She didn't even look back to see which direction the other three was running to. To her dismay, none of them ran in the direction that she did. Thus, leaving her all by herself.

A tiny stone from a nearby wreck building made its impact on the ground near Lisa effectively pulling her mind off the daze. Startled by the falling stone, Lisa abruptly stood up, causing her to wince a little as her mind was feeling dizzy from the shock of the sudden standing. Lisa balanced herself up by holding on to a nearby car that was toppled over.

Lisa silently made a mental note in her head that this isn't the very first disastrous event she had ever gone through. She decided to steel herself up and find the other three despite her lacking eyesight. "I can't just sit here and wait for them to find me. I have to try to find them quickly. Who knows if they might be needing my help." Lisa whispered to herself.

Lisa's eyesight were only bad on her right eye though. She can still see just fine through her left eye but she might need one of those pirate-eye patches to cover up her right eye in order to just see through the left eye. That might sound odd but for Lisa if one eye was not functioning properly it felt as if both were not. There was no either way around this eyesight problem.

Lisa released her hold on the toppled car and began walking forward only to realise that her left foot was limping. She was so busy worrying about not being able to see properly that she didn't notice that a shard of glass was stuck at the back of her left calf. Horrified at the sight of the glass on her calf, she instantly fell to the ground on her knees. She tried to pry the glass off of her calf and was relieved when the glass slide out easily. However, in doing so more blood pour out of the wound and Lisa calmly pulled the bandana resting on her neck and used it to sort of bandage her leg. During this moment, Lisa was grateful for the emergency training she had received before. 

Now that the wound has been bandaged with the makeshift bandana, Lisa continued on her journey to find the other girls. She felt like she had been walking forever but still see no sign of Jisoo, Jennie or Chaeyoung. A couple of concerned people has stopped by her asking if she needed any help because of the blood on her leg as well as her limp walk and she just dismissed their concern by saying, "I'm alright. I need to find my friends. Please help other people. I will be fine." She said this with a trained gleeful smile on her face so that they would not worry about her and know that she can handle herself.

Lisa was about to take a break and sit down for a while when she suddenly saw a figure that seemed so familiar to her. That person was having their back at her. Even if it was just the person's back, Lisa can't help shake the feeling that it might either be Jisoo, Jennie or Chaeyoung. Unsure to call out which name she began to shuffle her steps speedily to catch up to this person. She saw the person raised their fist instinctively as if preparing for an attack. However, when the person turned, Lisa immediately recognised the face and weakly shouted, "Jisoo unnie!" before slumping into Jisoo's strong embrace.

Finally, Lisa felt safe. "Unnie I finally found you." Lisa mumbled. 

"I'm thankful that you're alright. Now let's get moving. Can you walk?" Jisoo felt Lisa shook her head on her shoulder. 

Then, Jisoo crouched and straightened her back to Lisa's left side, wrapping her arm over Lisa's shoulder. Slowly standing up both of them made their way back to Jennie and Chaeyoung's location.

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