Tell Me Everything

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After that surprise encounter in the restaurant, Jeongyeon had exchanged her numbers with both Sana and Mina and now all the old gang were back together along with Dahyun. They decided to go eat dinner together at one of their favourite eating spot back then which was in Busan.

They were just done eating and Jeongyeon went over to the counter to pay for all of their food. After she was done paying, the four of them strolled around the nearby beach.

"I can't believe you cut your hair short again. Can't you at least show it to Dahyun first before cutting it?" Sana complained as she kicked the sand.

"Jeongyeon unnie grew her hair?" Dahyun's eyes widened.

"Yeah, sorry. I just thought that it was time to cut it. So..." Jeongyeon replied.

"At least show me a picture of it, please." Dahyun pouted.

"I'll see if I have any pictures of that."

"It's just so nice to walk around together again like this." Mina suddenly voiced her thoughts. Her face looked calm but Jeongyeon can't help but feel that something was amiss.

"Yeah, it is. I miss us. Where is Chaeyoung by the way?" Dahyun asked.

"She didn't want to bother our little reunion." Mina just answered blatantly and Jeongyeon was sure that something was definitely bothering Mina so she quietly gave a signal to Sana and Dahyun to leave the both of them.

As soon as Sana and Dahyun was outside within their earshot, Mina suddenly screamed and Jeongyeon was not sure if she should be happy or worried that she read Mina correctly.

Mina ran forward and left Jeongyeon standing there perplexed as to what had just happened. She quickly followed behind when Mina suddenly stopped and turned her body to face Jeongyeon who abruptly stopped about 2 feet away from her.

Mina's face was burning red and Jeongyeon saw it even in the darkness of the dim night that was lit by the moon and stars. The both of them just stared into each others eyes silently for about 5 minutes before Mina suddenly shouted, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, JEONG?!!"

Jeongyeon stood frozen in her place. A nervous glint shining in her eyes.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, JEONG?!!" She heard Mina repeat it again.

Jeongyeon was slightly surprised since Mina's tone was different than the one she normally used to talk to her. She also knew that it was serious since Mina didn't even include unnie when addressing her especially knowing how polite the penguin always was.

"What do you mean?" Jeongyeon gathered her courage to sound as firm as possible.

"You were gone. Just like that." Mina flicked her fingers.

Jeongyeon can see that Mina was literally fuming right now. Her burning face was growing red as a tomato and Jeongyeon can sense that Mina was on the verge of tears.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to just disappear like that." Jeongyeon tried to hold Mina's hands but the latter just quickly pulled it away from her to cross it across her chest with a huff.

However, as quick as Mina got angry, what happened next literally broke Jeongyeon's heart to a thousand pieces as she saw her best friend instantly broke down and tears were rolling down from Mina's eyes like a waterfall.

"I was worried. Really really worried." Mina crouched and buried her hands in her face.

"Mina yah. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I-I d-didn't m-mean to hurt you. I'm such an idiot for making you get worried about me." Jeongyeon muttered as she hit herself hard on the head.

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