Alternate Truth

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"Y-You do?" Jeongyeon involuntarily stuttered and Mina laughed at her. She swatted Mina's arm and narrowed her eyes at the younger girl. "What's so funny?"

"You wanna help a while ago right?" Mina gave Jeongyeon a side smile.

"Yeah but what does she mean by I'm the missing puzzle piece?"

"You're about to find out." Mina jerked her head in Chaeyoung's direction who's now tucking the phone back into her pocket.

"Come on." Chaeyoung simply said as she grabbed Jeongyeon's left hand and led her out of the room. Jeongyeon looked back and forth between Mina and Chaeyoung as she let herself get dragged. Mina mouthed "Good Luck" to Jeongyeon and raised her fist.

"Thank you Mina." Chaeyoung said one last time before closing the door.

They both went downstairs and Chaeyoung was relieved to see that Jisoo and Lisa were still on the couch watching soccer intently that they doesn't even notice them walking towards them. They cheered loudly as a goal was made and finally noticed a smiling Chaeyoung staring at them.

"Oh. We didn't see you there. How long have you been standing there?" Jisoo asked.

"Don't worry. It wasn't that long." Chaeyoung just smiled.

Jisoo was about to turn her head to focus on the TV again when Chaeyoung suddenly said, "I need to get back home. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure. Bring Jennie here tomorrow, okay?"

Chaeyoung made an okay signal with her hand and began walking to the door. Her hand was still on Jeongyeon's left hand.

"Where are you going, Jeong?" Jisoo asked as she saw Chaeyoung's hand on hers.

Jeongyeon was about to answer but Chaeyoung was quicker as she replied, "I'm gonna borrow her if you don't mind?"

"Oh okay. Be safe." Jisoo simply replied as she returned her attention to the TV.

The duo walked back towards Chaeyoung's house in silence. Jeongyeon wanted to ask but thought that Chaeyoung would explain everything later anyway.

"Chaeyoung had told me about your effect." Jennie said as Jeongyeon took a seat on the couch.

"My effect? What effect are you talking about?" Jeongyeon asked in confusion.

"Your effect on Jisoo unnie. Remember when Mina said that Jisoo unnie didn't punch Momo cause you were there. Cause. Of. You." Chaeyoung uttered.

"Okay so…"

"You have to help us tomorrow when we go visit her. We need your presence."

"So you're gonna tell her the truth?"

"I guess. We'll try our best to ease her into it. It will still not be pretty though." Jennie sighed.

"She'll understand. I'm pretty sure. She's a reasonable person. She would know that you didn't do this for no reason." Jeongyeon comforted her.

"I hope so." Chaeyoung uttered. "Sorry that I dragged you here."

"That's alright. It's not something that could be spoken over the phone." Jeongyeon answered. "If that's all, I think I should head back." Jeongyeon stood up.

"Look after her for us, please cause we failed to do that in the first place." Jennie said.

"You didn't fail. No you didn't fail. I might have done the same thing if I was in your place too." Jeongyeon thought as she pulled the door open. She turned around to raise her hand and waved.
"Will do. Good night fellas. Good luck tomorrow."

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