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(A/N : Slight spoiler for Stranger Things Season 3 if you haven't watch it yet.)

Momo was watching the news to see if the landslide story would pop up. She was sitting on the couch eating her favourite food in the world, jokbal.

"You're watching a lot of news lately." Jeongyeon teased.

"I always watch the news." Momo scoffed.

"Whatever floats your boat, I suppose." Jeongyeon said as she resumed cleaning.

At that moment, the story related to the landslide finally air on TV. Momo dropped the jokbal that she's chewing in order to focus more on the TV.

"Two police officers was found to be buried under the landslide due to the heavy rainfall. Thankfully Captain Kim Jisoo and Lieutenant Lalisa Manoban was saved by an unknown saviour who happened to pass by the area." The newscaster said. Momo was so focused on the TV that her head keep inching forward.

"Look. They say we're the saviour." Momo squealed excitedly.

Jeongyeon abruptly stopped cleaning and plopped down next to Momo on the couch. "Heh, 'saviour'." She lifted her hand to air quote the word saviour. Momo turned her head to glare at Jeongyeon. She looks like she was about to snap but then the newscaster's voice on the TV resumed. She immediately turned her attention back to the TV.

"Here we are at the hospital where the two police officers was admitted." The footage showed the members of broadcast station walking into the hospital to interview them. "So how are both of you feeling?"

"Thankfully we're feeling better." Lisa said.

"Do you have anything you want to say to your unknown saviour?"

"I do and I hope that you are watching." Jisoo pointed her hands at the camera. Momo can't help but smile a little at Jisoo's gesture. "We wanna forward our utmost gratitude to the saviour that had helped us because without you both of us might not have been here. We felt blissed out that we had another chance at life. We will not waste this chance and we hope to serve the people better in the future." Jisoo took a breath before continuing, "I hope that one day we will be able to meet our saviour because I really want to thank you face to face but for now this is as best as it gets. So thank you." Jisoo ended her speech with a sincere smile that seemed to have reached Momo's heart.

"Aww, you're welcome." Momo muttered under her breath. Her eyes still glued to the TV that is until another news come up and Momo instantly bring her attention back to the jokbal that she had dropped earlier.

A week later.

Jisoo and Lisa were only hospitalised for about two days. Everyone from the station had come up to visit them even Chief Choi Sooyoung. Sana and Dahyun came the next day as how they had said the day before whereas Mina and Chaeyoung came up later in the evening. Both Jisoo and Lisa were alive and kicking. They returned back to the station a day after they had been discharged from the hospital. Of course Jennie and Chaeyoung disagreed when the duo said they wanna returned to work already; nonetheless they returned anyway.

On the other hand, Dahyun always fidgeted whenever she's around them. She can't help but still feel guilty about what had happened even if it is not directly her fault.

"Dubu yah. Why do you suddenly look nervous around us?" Jisoo asked.

Surprised by the sudden question Dahyun stumbled to response. "W-what do you mean? W-why would I be nervous?"

"Do you still feel guilty about what happened to us?" Lisa looked at Dahyun and raised her eyebrows in concern.

"Y-yes." She looked down. 

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