Top Secret

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"Jisoo and Lisa!" Chief Sooyoung shouted from her office and the duo promptly stood up to enter her office.

"Yes Chief!"

"Commander Jihyo wants to see you two. Maybe she got some new mission for you. She won't tell me anything, seriously. Go see her now." Chief Sooyoung commanded.

At the HQ

"Commander?" Jisoo said as she knocked the slightly ajar door.

"Come on in. Close the door."

"What can we do for you Commander?" Lisa asked.

"Sorry to suddenly call upon you like this but this is another urgent mission that I have for you two." The Commander began. "Do you remember that earthquake a couple of days ago?"

"Yes. We were right in the middle of it." Jisoo replied.

"Oh and by the way, how is your leg?" Jihyo asked.

"It's alright now, Commander." Lisa answered with a smile on her face.

"Good because I'm sending the two of you in, this time around. You see yesterday a whistleblower from YG Pharmaceutical had come secretly to meet me. She was worried about what her company was doing. She said that the earthquake that had occurred the day before, happened because of them."

"They did the earthquake?"

"How can they do that?"

"We've checked with our sources and had confirmed that YG Pharmaceutical was located nowhere near the place where the earthquake had happened. So they must have another secret building under a different name for them to do illegal experiments and she had also confirmed this too with me."

"What would she gain from exposing her company? Sorry if that sounds irresponsible." Jisoo asked earnestly.

"She said it was because the company started to do human experiments that lead to their death. She saw them haul over homeless people into the labs and just experimented on them with no mercy."

The two of them just stare back at each other in silence, clearly feeling disgusted towards the company's ignorance about human life.

"Do we know what kind of experiment that they are doing?" Jisoo asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Something about trying to obtain superpowers."

"What? Superpowers?" Lisa asked whilst raising her eyebrows.

"Yep, at least that's what the whistleblower is telling us."

"When are we going in?"

"What are our cover?"

"She said that they were looking for some new immediate intern scientists. So that is your cover and you're going to start tomorrow."

"That's smart. They don't need to pay a penny cause they are hiring interns."

"Agreed. Anyway please head over to the basement. Black Pearl is waiting for you guys there."

"Hi, there." Yuri said as she saw the duo entered.

"Hi." Jisoo said as she slightly bowed her head.

"Here are the necessary items for your mission." Yuri pulled up a small size luggage onto the table.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Shoot, Jisoo."

"I have been wondering if you actually knew that we would totally, umm you know… not listen when you said not to intercept directly back then."

Superpower Mania (Twicepink/Blacktwice)Where stories live. Discover now