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"Aish, where is that baby cub now?" Mina mumbled under her breath as she packed her stuff.

"Mina yah." Chaeyoung called out.

"Hmm?" Mina hummed as she lifted her head to look at Chaeyoung in the eye.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You're not gonna wait for Chaeng?"

"We're late already." Mina answered. She stuffed the last of her things into her bag and stood up. "I'm just gonna go by myself. I'll be okay. Tell Chaeng on behalf of me?" She lifted her eyebrows while waiting for Chaeyoung's answer.

"Sure. Be careful Minari." Chaeyoung said. Mina just lifted her right hand to give an okay signal. She did a quick run to leave the station.

Mina drove herself to the witness's house and smoothed her uniform before knocking on the door. However, before her knuckle got to make contact with the wooden door, she heard something tumbling from inside the house as if a glass was broken. She frowned in worry as she ran towards the source of the noise. She saw a window was broken but found nothing inside the house as she peeked through the open gap. She heard shuffling footsteps in the bush from behind her. So she hurriedly turned around and managed to catch a glimpse of another person's shadow.

She took a swift step in following the unknown figure until they reached an alley with a dead end. Mina scratched her head in confusion as she thought, "I'm pretty sure they went in here."

Mina walked closer to the end of the alley to check for any spaces for people to hide when a baseball bat suddenly made contact with the back of her head.

"Ouch!" Mina yelped as her right hand instantly went up to touch the part of her head that was hit. She felt her head spin as her body fell to the ground. Her eyes saw a blurred vision of someone leaving the alley before it fluttered closed.


Chaeyoung skipped out happily only to find that Mina was no longer at her desk. She frowned a little, knowing that Mina must have gone without her. She turned to look at the older Chaeyoung who nodded briefly as her response.

"Where have you been?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Ugh, just the usual. I hate it when they come to query. It's so annoying." The younger Chaeyoung huffed. "Of all the days they had to come, why does it have to be today?" She sighed and landed her butt on the chair with a thud.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I'm gonna say."

"Yeah, yeah. Mina unnie had gone already. Aish. Man, I feel bad. We're supposed to go together."

"She said she'll b-"

"-be okay." Chaeyoung finished the older Chaeyoung's sentences. "She always says that."

"Don't worry about her. I'm sure she's fine." Chaeyoung glanced at the baby beast and gave her a soft smile.


"Mina? Mina!" Jeongyeon called out but she didn't receive any response. She felt someone shake her body lightly before she fluttered her eyes open.

"Why are you shouting Mina's name?" Momo asked with a puzzled look.

"I did?" Jeongyeon stared back at Momo with the same puzzled look.

"Yes, Jeongie. I'm trying to watch Barbie in peace here."

Momo heard Jeongyeon scoffed before she continued, "You were perfectly awake though. Only that your eyes suddenly closed for a couple of minutes and then you suddenly shouted."

Jeongyeon was trying to process the new information that Momo had just told her and it suddenly struck a chord in her mind as she uttered, "I need to go. You'll be fine here on your own?"

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