Return Party

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"Are you ready?" Jisoo asked.

Lisa glanced at herself one more time in the mirror before answering with a confident smirk, "Yes, ma'am I'm ready."

"Huh? What's with the ma'am? Drop it Lali." Jisoo chuckled as she smoothed her uniform when she stood up.

"Heh. I just-" Lisa turned to look at Jisoo. "-I finally feel okay." She gave Jisoo a wide smile.

"Thanks to that practice. I always know that you will be able to do it." Jisoo smirked. "Come on Mina is waiting for us."

It has been a month since they all found out that they had powers. Lisa had finally been able to control her powers as she wasn't bothered anymore anytime she went outside.

The duo was finally ready to return back to work. Both of them went to the HQ yesterday to meet with the Commander who was surprised that they only took five weeks rest. Jihyo chuckled as she said, "You guys are really something, aren't you?"

Jisoo and Lisa just smiled sheepishly at her before she continued further, "Sooyoung did tell me that you two never really take any day off. I'm not really surprised but still... after going through something like that, I thought you guys would need more days to rest off."

"It's kinda boring just... staying at home doing nothing, Commander." Lisa curtly replied. "Besides, I'm okay now. I don't have anxiety attacks whenever I go outside anymore." Lisa smiled.

"That's good to know but hey, if you needed anything-" Jihyo paused and stared simultaneously between the two of them. "-anything at all, don't be shy to tell me okay?"

"Will do, Commander!" Both of them answered together.

"Especially if you needed a break. Don't hesitate on that." Jihyo smiled as she stood up and walked towards them. She stopped in front of the duo and stood between the two of them. Her right hand patted Jisoo's shoulder whereas her left hand patted Lisa's shoulder at the same time.

"Understood, Commander!" They answered in unison again.

They made their way out of the house and saw Mina leaning over the driver side of the car chatting happily with Jeongyeon and Momo.

"Hey, guys." Jisoo cheerfully greeted.

"Hiiiii." Momo excitedly greeted back as she squealed when she saw them in their uniforms. "Woah, you look cool unnie."

"So cool?" Jisoo monotonously replied.

"So coollllll." Momo blew a kiss to Jisoo and Lisa pouted.

"Hey, what about me unnie?" Lisa huffed cutely.

"You look..." Momo paused and pretended to judge her outfit. She put her fingers on her chin and scrunched her brows hard.

Since Momo took too long to reply, Jeongyeon replied instead. "Chic. You look chic Lisa yah."

"Aww. Thanks Jeong unnie." Lisa smiled and blew a kiss to the ostrich and Momo pouted this time around.

"You should have seen Jeongyeon san in her uniform." Mina intercepted and Jisoo hurriedly asked, "Do you still have the uniform?

Jeongyeon shrugged as she replied, "I'm not sure. It's been more than two years."

"You can borrow mine if you want to." Lisa chuckled and smiled.

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm not one anymore. I used to be one." Jeongyeon emphasised.

"Aww but we want to see you wear it at least once Captain." Jisoo smirked.

"If you don't feel like borrowing hers-" Mina interjected and they looked at her. "-I still kept your uniform when you left."

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