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It's finally here. My baby Jichu's birthday. 생일 축하해. 사랑해.

My fave picture of her in 2019

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My fave picture of her in 2019. Her smile is just so beautiful. I love the candidness of the picture. 😚

A special double update as usual but I gotta warn you guys that it's about to get spicy. You've been warned 👀.


"I'm getting anxious. We gotta do something unnie." Lisa said as she paced back and forth by the side of the road.

"What are you suggesting?" Jisoo asked.

"I don't know. Maybe break into their vault or something?" Lisa shrugged.

"Do they even have a vault?" Jisoo laughed.

"Wait what about the file room? They must have kept something there."

"We'll figure it out later. Come on, the taxi is here." Jisoo said as she pushed Lisa to go in the taxi.

Two days later, Jisoo broke into the secret file room all by herself. After searching the room for a good hour, she finally obtained the crucial evidence of YG Pharmaceutical's bad deeds. Except that unbeknownst to her, Irene and Joy was watching everything in the shadows.

"I found it." Jisoo said as she dumped the file in front of Lisa.

"Wait, aww how could you go without me?" Lisa pouted.

"It's easier not to get caught if I go alone."

"Well I could've been your lookout."

"It's done anyway. We need to deliver this to Black Pearl tomorrow."

"She must be the one. She took the bait." Joy reasoned.

"She knows and now we need to get rid of her before she could relay that information." Irene coldly said.

"I know. Do you know Momo? That new bodyguard."


"Use Jennie to threaten her to kill this Jihye."

"My pleasure."

That evening, Irene waited somewhere near the quartet's house and waited until Jennie and Chaeyoung come home. Then, she pretended to be a pizza delivery girl and knocked on the door calling for Jennie's name.

"Jennie ssi. Jennie ssi." Irene screamed as she pressed the doorbell repeatedly.

As soon as the door opened, Irene swiftly grabbed Jennie by her shoulder and pinned her to the wall.

"Remember me?" Irene asked as she removed the face mask.

Jennie inhaled sharply and just nodded her head timidly as a response.

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