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"How do I look? Do I look the part?" Jisoo asked. Her hands fiddled with the collar of her jacket. 

"I don't understand why you want to go by yourself. We're partners. We should go together." Jennie ranted in her seat.

"Jennie yah."

"Don't Jennie me unless you're taking me with you." 

"It's not that I don't want to take you with me. You know that the informant is just by himself and wouldn't it be weird if we appear together? The dealer might get spooked if there's suddenly two people meeting with him when he was promised to meet just one."

"Unnie you can still be there. Just in the shadows watching over her back." Chaeyoung said. 

"And we will be securing the perimeter. We'll be your escape vehicle." Lisa uttered. 

Jennie was still feeling unsatisfied to let Jisoo meet the dealer on her own but relent nonetheless as there were no other choice. 

"Fine. I'll cover your six." Jennie huffed. "We should get going."

"Oh and by the way back to your question earlier, you look rogue unnie. He won't suspect a thing." Lisa smirked. 

"Really? That's a relief." Jisoo sighed in satisfaction. "Oh! Before I forget, um I think I saw the emergency lights somewhere in your car bonnet just now."

"Emergency lights?" Chaeyoung asked. Her face looks puzzled. 

"A portable one where you could just stick it onto the roof of the car." Jisoo explained further. 

"Ah, that one." Chaeyoung finally realised what Jisoo was saying and she was about to go take it but Lisa was faster than her as she saw Lisa returned with that said item in her hands. 

"This is what you're talking about, right?" Lisa twirled it in her hands. 

Jisoo nodded at Lisa and Jennie said, "Are we gonna need that?" 

"Well I thought it might be good to have it nearby just in case we need an escape from a terrible situation."

Upon arriving at the port, Lisa dropped both Jisoo and Jennie somewhere slightly closer to the supposed meeting area. Jisoo will go ahead and meet the dealer first while Jennie will check the surrounding perimeter and then find someplace in the shadows where she can observe the meeting between Jisoo and the dealer. Lisa and Chaeyoung voiced a soft "Good Luck" to their unnies before they separate their ways.

"I don't need luck when I have you girls watching my back." Jisoo said while winking and smirking to the maknaes. 

The deal happened exactly at the time it was supposed to happen except that Jennie heard shots were fired. One shot to be exact. She was worried that something might have happened to Jisoo so Jennie abruptly stop her search of a place to hide and ran towards the meeting area abandoning all the plans that have been made in advance.

To her horror, when Jennie arrived, she saw that Jisoo was already laying on the ground unmoved with blood all over her torso bleaching the white tee with red in colour. Panic hit Jennie as she silently wailed over Jisoo's figure trying to make her next move. In the corner of her eyes, she saw one of the henchmen trying to get in through the front door with a walkie talkie in his hand. With agility in her movements, she managed to drag Jisoo's motionless body in between two shipping containers to hide them both. She took out her smartphone and managed to get Lisa on the line telling her to use the portable emergency lights that Jisoo was talking about earlier to scare the bad guys away. She figured that they would not want to be caught and that was why Jisoo was shot so that there will be no loose ends. 

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