8 0 0

Demension 0
Museum, Hotel, and Bar/diner.

The M3 Scout stopped moving and everything just turned off, the engine wouldn't start, the radio was on but inoperable, and our weapons and ammo were missing. Slowly we emerged from the vehicle in a cautious fashion. There was only one building and it was massive, it was surrounded by gardens and a courtyard. The courtyard was wide and open, the ground was layed with brick pavers, and the garages were made of cobblestone with wood plank shingles (no doors on garages). Our APC was parked in one of the bigger garages, beside us was a six wheel drive Mercedes staff car. But in the garage across from us contained 20's racing cars, deusenbergs, Pierce Arrows, Packards, Hudsons, Fords, and other 20's vehicles. In others there were movie cars, 50s cars, 60s cars, 70s cars, etc.., prototype vehicles, wartime vehicles, and a single DMC delorian in a garage by itself. Then down a small stone staircase was a garage for motorcycles. The garages were all similar construction, cobblestone with wooden shingles. They looked as if they were built in the early 1800s, yet looked brand new. Then we walked into the garden area that preceded the massive building, the garden had every type of plant imaginable including some that I had never even heard of. In the middle of the garden there was a massive statue of a man with a trench coat and fedora, it said "the first Inter-Demensional traveler RHB" on the stone.
Now for the bulding... It had massive collumns made of lavish marble, 20 heavily ingraved stone steps that spanned atleast 50 feet, on the face of the top (above the colomns) there were carvings of angels fighting demons, the walls were made of massive sand stone bricks and spaned for atleast a mile on each side of the entrence, ontop was a dome that would make greeks cry it was so gargantuan, and to finish... it had two towers on the sides of the dome.
We all walked in amazement up the stairs, which had dips where they had been worn, and walked towards a podium with an old man standing behind it.

Old Man: hello travelers, what can I do for you.
Me (Jason): where are we?
Old Man: You are in the neutral demension, this place was founded by the Inter-Demensional authorities 400 years ago. This was all thanks to the man whom is now represented by the statue.
Me (Jason): That's all good, but I didn't pick to come here...
Old Man: well your TiaDiDaMoMa should have put you here, it is its' job.
Me (Jason): how do you know what this is?
Old Man: The man whom owned it before you was a constant visitor.
Nako: who owns these sweet rides?
Old Man: Former Guests... saddly....
Skull: what happened to them?
Old Man: Demensions contain anything and everything a human mind can process... and then some. Those "former guests" died very painfully due to their "miscalculations."
Jay: That's not good
Old Man: quite right, sir.
Me (Jason): what is inside?
Old Man: A museum, one that contains one of every artifact, weapon, vehicle, or item ever created... in all demensions... some that never were introduced. Then there is a diner and bar in the dome, and hotels on either side of the dome.
Mike: how do you fit it all in there?
Old Man: you'll find that it is alot bigger than it looks...
Me (Jason): Thanks
Old Man: anytime sir, anytime.

The doors stood 12 feet tall and were made of Mahogany with Pine trims. The door handles said ID on them, and were not that easy to turn. I then turned the handle fairly hard and pushed the door open, there was a large room with stair cases on both sides and an opening in the center. Inside the room there was a round table with a potted plant and an old rug under it, and on beside all the openings, on the walls, were lit gas lamps.
We all walked around the table towards the center opening to see this massive unending room. The room was filed with carefully labelled artifacts, vehicles, weapons, cans, paintings, books, insturments, movies, tanks... everything that ever existed anywhere in every color, size, and form existed here. I walked through the weapons sections and seen everything from rocks connected to sticks all the way to futuristic ray guns. In the car section Buddy frantically looked at cars from the 1886 motorwagon to the flying cars. In the tank section Mad Jack climbed on tanks that spanned from ww1 to God knows when. In the torture exhibits wondered Skull, where he seen new ways to cause pain. Jay wondered the clothing section, and Brax and Nako went to the Music section.
I then saw my old Colt 1903 picket pistol in the wall, it had my initials on it, and it had the same nickle finish with blued inlay. There was no glass, and there were no "no touch" signs, so I took it off the placard and and examined it. I looked at the sign below and it said "property of RHB, formerly propert of Jason M. Garand of demension [XDA 000 000 000 000 000 ...]." I saw it said that it was this RHB guy's stuff so I went to put it back, and there was an exact copy on the wall. This bewildered me, but then my TiaDiDaMoMa started ringing and said it was from this RHB guy.... so I anwsered.

Me (Jason): Hello?
RHB: ok, listen, that device of yours stores shit in it right?
Me (Jason): yes...
RHB: Ok, good news, there are smaller portable storage lockers in the Lounge. I'll meet you there. Just put that pocket pistol in your inventory... See you in 15.
Me (Jason): o.....
[RHB hangs up]

I walked a long ways back to the entrence and took the staircase on the left.

[Elvira Madigan by Mozart piano concertos played in the back ground]

And walked into the bar area where there were 12 suited men sitting in a circle around a large table. A man in a tan trench coat and black fedora got up, he was a heavier set man, His suit seemed to fit good as it was a double breasted tweed, his tie was a brown tie with a single white strip, his fadora was a mid-brimmed Scala, his foot ware were army boots that had spats covering them, and he carried a brown leather brief case. His face was round and had a light scar on his left cheek, his scruff made him look intimidating, his eyebrows made him look permanently angry, and his cigar smelled wonderful... it must be a Arturo-Fuente 858 with a maduro wrapper.

RHB: So, your the fuckin' new guy?
Me (Jason): what?
RHB: all first timers are FNG's, you happen to have stole your device as well, not soo helpful.
Me (Jason): Do we have a problem?
RHB: I don't know ya hot head, do we?
Me (Jason): you seem mad...
RHB: [Pulls out FN-57 and slams it on table] the last man who owned that went missing,... did... you... kill... him...?
Me (Jason): No.
RHB: [Stares me down] ok, well if you stole it from the medical place I could give a shit less.
[RHB puts his gun away]
Me (Jason): How do you know....
RHB: I know everything, government secrets, where Jimmy Hoffa is, who actually killed JFK, or the lesser known shit like that Hitler made it to Argentina. So, don't fuckin' ask me how I know shit... I am the reason all of THIS.... exists. Over at that table are people more importent than POTUS, the Kremlin, And Hong Kong combined. These guys can level civilizations.... for fun, spew government secrets to civilians.... for fun.... Do not, repeat, do not ask how I know things.
Me (Jason): Sorry sir....
RHB: Don't be, I get asked to many dumb fucking questions everyday. Infact an apology may be in order, but you have to earn my apologies. Anyways, enough ranting... you need the storage devices.
Me (Jason): Yeah, what are they.
RHB: *sigh* these machines, that happen to look like fit bits, are weapon canging and storage devices... kinda like the Pip-boy from Fallout. They can also change you appearance based on the dimension you are in and change your weapons to be better suited.
Me (Jason): This machine already does that for my crew...
RHB: *sighs harder* that's all well and good, but all these machines have their limits... you use one machine for your crew too many times and they will get trapped in different places... or worse get ripped apart and thrown into other demensions. And this way your friends don't have to join you on every adventure you go on, and they can do their own exploring.
Me (Jason): sounds awesome, so we can just link up?
RHB: exactly... now take these, give them to your crew, and keep in contact with them. And if we need to talk again, meet me here, and have clear questions.
Me (Jason): will do...
RHB: now excuse me, but I have a meeting.

And so we parted. The man seemed controllably angry at all times, like he had some bad shit go down, yet he explains things in a manner that anyone can get it.
I gave the machines to the guys and they understood this place a little better after I explained a little more about it. We all went and picked out our weapons and clothes via the museum, and all that we took was automatically replaced. We didn't have to carry anything anymore thanks to these devices.
But now it was time to go to the diner and get something to eat...

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