61 finding the Ark (I)

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"You never run out of things that could go wrong"
-Murphy's Law

Neutral Dimension
hortus voluptatis - North America
Dec. 27
0245 AM

[POV of Jason]

After a day of discussion the Mysterious Man we emerged from his palace in the middle of hell. We walked down the street until found a sewer grate which we then went down. The Mysterious Man then turned on his TL-122 Military Flashlight, the yellow glow shined the waters reflection on the top of the round sewer, the flashlight was dim but allowed us to navigate without attracting much attention. We then got to a sewer grate, as we opened it the sound of music hit my ears... [Devils Bleeding Crown by Volbeat] it was Volbeat. We then entered and closed the grate behind us. A man then emerged from the back, he was wearing an old fur coat with a Russian Ushanka hat. He had a Mosin Nagant hanging from his shoulder, his beard was big and bushy and had recently been cleaned. His Belomorkanal Russian Cigarettes with heavy hints of an acrid like tar smell. He smelt of bar soap and hints of rust.

Old Soviet: So... you drag in eh soldier or food for the существа (creatures).
Mysterious Man: depends on how good he does...
Old Soviet: Fine, I'll take him. And Jo...
Mysterious Man: lets not use names.
Old Soviet: blyat... you smell like shit!
Mysterious Man: oh and make sure you get my gun back to me...
Old Soviet: Really, like I would carry this parlamintarian shit with me... look kid, you cannot die now.

We then walked through the maze of trinkets and trash towards a heavily sealed door, The soviet then let out a loud burp and smacked his chest. He then opened the door and let me through as he closed it behind us and locked all 10 locks.

Old Soviet: I have crawling through these buildings like a rat, these creatures are deadly, but we have snipers. We then went through the cloathing factory, he then stopped me and pointed below at a figure. We got into a prone position and took aim at the target, he then tapped me on the shoulder.

Old Soviet: *whispers* take the shot in 3... 2... 1...

I squeezed the trigger and saw the blood spray from his head spray onto some mannequins as a bullet train passed on the tracks, the train was on fire. We then went down and examined the body, the man was wearing a type of gasmask I had never seen before, he was wearing worn put slacks and a worn flannel coat, in his hand was a rusty .38spcl snub nosed revolver. The sky, exposing itself from the shambling building, was red and orange and the air felt damp yet cool. The Old Soviet then checked the pockets and found a wallet which he then put in a satchel.

Old Soviet: we have to keep up with the dead.

We then moved forward through the building until we got to an exit. The Old Soviet then opened the door, he then pointed at a run down hybrid car and then at an old opening of a café. I then ran to the the car and dolphin dived behind it he then followed, we then ran towards the opening, as we ran towards the opening bullets started hitting the decaying road around us. We then jumped into the building and ran through the front, into the kitchen, where there were some horrific things on which I don't want to speak, and then through the kitchen into an alley.

Old Soviet: I used to think that we were civilized people, but all I see are savages trying to find the next scrap of food... or something that reminds them of their past...
Me (Jason): Why are these... people... like this?
Old Soviet: The Rapture did a whole lot more than just obliterate modern life, if left scars that don't heal.

We then found a door at the end of an alley, we entered what seemed to be an old hospital. I looked out of the window to see white flakes coming down.

Me (Jason): does it usually snow here?
Old Soviet: No... that, comrade, is ash. This place is always on fire.

I heard a record player in the streets that was skipping and playing the same thing over and over again.

Old Soviet: that is an unmerciful way to get in your kills.
Me (Jason): it's a sniper trick... he's tormenting people...
Old Soviet: Da...

I looked into a room and saw a man in a corner of a room crying, I went in to investigate. I slung the rifle on my back and pulled out my Snub Nose revolver, I then checked the cylinder. I then got close, I saw that he was holding something. In moments he had me by the neck and pinned against a wall, I aimed my revolver at him but he cut my hand open with a scalpel. I then kicked him in the nuts and launched him back with my legs, he fell down and got right back up. I grabbed my revolver and put four rounds into his chest, he didn't even flinch, I then put two in his head and watched him stumble back and fall down. I sighed in relief only to see him get back up, I grabbed the rifle and blew a tunnel in his head. The Soviet then ran into the room and hacked the mans head off with a machete, then he searched him found his wallet and put it into his bag. We then continued down the hallway, the Old Soviet then took a long drag from his Absolut Vodka and handed me a bandage for my hand. We made it to the end of the hospital's hall where he pointed to a research building on the other side of an old traffic circle.

Old Soviet: behold the Ark...

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