82 The Cannery and it's Aviators

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Longer Aviation Chapter.

Dimension WWT 82048377632...
Eisenstaedt Germany
0332 AM
"Canned Hell and the high skies"
[It's a Long Way to the Top if you wanna Rock Rock 'N' Roll by AC/DC plays on AC-47's speakers]

[POV of Skull]

I was assigned to this plane, some drab old Vietnam era plane. There were markings on the side that envolved a ghost shooting lighning and saying "SPOOKY", but the only thing spooky about this plane was the amount of 7.62mm ammo.

Pilot: we have recieved word for go. For our wingless boys, welcome to My AC-47... we call her 'Puff the Magic Dragon'. Stand by...

The name of this plane sounded familiar, the crew had half lit cigarettes in their mouths and their visors tilted. It was nighttime... and they were wearing sunglasses. A crew member chuckled as he handed me some rayban glasses, he the crunched the blue visor on my head.

Pilot: shit, hey guys, I have lost control of the guns... you are going to have to nail these positions. The crew pulled the the white sheets off of the slick black pieces of art. M-134 General Electric Rotary barreled Machine guns... fucking 100 round per minute miniguns.

[Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold plays on AC-47's speakers]
Pilot: we are green, light up position in 3... 2... 1...

The Crew then fired the three miniguns from the left side. The three fireballs came from the side as the shells and connecting links fell out of the plane. It rained liquid death on those below.

Pilot: Damn, tail, newby... take those fuckers out with the M60.

I got on the gun that was precariously hung out the right rear window and opened fire on the German Stuka planes.

Pilot: We need back up from the Black Cats!
Radio (Black Cat Pilot): you know we're on it!

[POV of Sgt. Barnard]

I decided to Join my friends in the PBY-Catalina 'Black Cat' Navy war plane. This baby had a bugeye dual .30cal MG on the front, dual .50 caliber Machine Gun on the sides and a .30 Caliber Machine gun on the rear hatch, and a 20 millimeter cannon in the front... and she could land on water. It was calm until Spooky gave us a ring. I was a gunner, so I ran through the long plane and nailed targets as they came. I got on the right side gun and nailed the German Stukas, I then blasted enemy hard targets and allowed the boys on the ground. I then ran to the back and opened the hatch which was followed by me pushing the gun into position. I then got into a prone position and opened fire on the reinforcement trucks, Spooky took on a line of troops infront of the cannery and left a red mist.

[The Pusher by Steppenwolf plays on speaker of PBY-Catalina]

Commander Sully: all good down here boys, thanks for the assist.
Spooky Pilot: man... we were just getting warmed up!
Black Cat Pilot: we will reload and be ready.
Figter Pilot Jar head: our P-51 boys spotted one hell of a line coming towards us.
Douglas TBD lead Pilot: we recieved reports of about 50 enemy planes, they are mix matched... they are experienced pilots too.
Spooky: All I can do I create a fire line... I give a couple of Passes, but then I gotta Go!
SR-71 guy: Incoming, Puff, make your move!
Spooky Pilot: on it!

The Douglas AC-46 did a large turn and opened fire on the line of enemy planes. Groups of fireballed planes went crashing to the ground.

Spooky Pilot: we have to move gunners around, one got wounded... get that new guy on the damn minigun! We are making another pass, then you war planes can take them!
SR-71 guy: they are 80 meters out and incoming... make your move quick!

Puff the Magic Dragon made another group of fireballs, the planes wrecked into the buildings.

Spooky Pilot: We are going to hit them from the sides when they don't expect it, do your dirty work hell fighters!
SR-71 guy: I'll keep you guys updated, my plane and much good when I'm scraping the atmosphere up here... do us proud fly boys.

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