53 Big City Skies 2 (I)

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Neutral Dimension
City in the sky?
01:10 AM

I walked down the narrow streets of brick pavers, the lights illuminated off the snow. The air was brisk and stung my lungs, the machinery looked like it was from the 1940s. Yet the city itself looked like something built in the late 1800s and was faced over with art deco to fit the 1920s. The windows were dark and covered over with blankets. I then saw two soldiers walking my way, I hid in a door way. The soldier on the left was wearing U.S. Korean war garb with a OD green parka, and steel M51 helmet, his rifle was an M1-Carbine. The other soldier was wearing CSA Confederate garb and was carrying a sharps rifle. They were talking about their war experiences and walking down the street on a gaurd patrol. I got out of my hiding position and continued down the street, there were more gaurds which I avoided along the way. I then seen that there was another gondola to another section, I rode towards the next section. I looked back and saw that there were massive balloons under the city holding it up, there were also small propellers keeping it a drift. Under it were massive steel beams keeping it from falling out of the sky. I looked up to the next section, it revealed that it was still under construction after some sort of warfare. I got off at the landing and saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Comstock House. Columbia.' It seemed old and had a few bullet holes in it. I walked up the stairs where there was a semi-wasteland look to the old city. There was a paper on the wall, I took it off and read it.


July 21

Directive of CI

There are to be no civilians on government property without propper paperwork.
Destroy all markings of Columbia and Comstock, reconstruct as Arcadia.
No Pinkertons to be on property at any time. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Phillip, and Vanderbilt are to stay off premises and go back to their designated sections.
For military gaurd: contact NM. Or his officers General George S. Patton Jr, Gen. Douglas McArthur, Gen. Dweight Eisenhower, Gen. Pershing, Gny Sgt. Lee Ermey, or Head of Seceret command Richard Marcinko.

So according to that... he wants the mention of Columbia destroyed. CI, this must be whom I'm supposed to meet. Just then I heard a cane clacking on the cobblestone walkway.

Lucifer: So... you know what you're supposed to do here?
Me (Jason): Not really...
Lucifer: Meet up with CI, he is head of all Black Ops and spooky operations. If you see a group of men in black trenchcoats jumping out of silent Black helicopters then it is probably under his direction.
Me (Jason): why?
Lucifer: You'll find out.

Lucifer then turned around and walked until his disappeared into the snowy abyss. I walked towards the gate and opened it, once inside I walked through the ruins of a once great government building. I then saw a precarious looking elevator, I got in it and pushed the button to go up. The elevator ascended to the top, then the door didn't open, as I tried to open the door the elevator dropped and crashed to the ground. I rolled out of the wreckage onto the concrete, it was cold and damp. There were two men standing over me, I couldn't really see who they were other than they were wearing black trenchcoats. Their guns M-16 platforms and they had small wrist mounted devices.

G-Man on left: We got a lost traveler.

The man on the right knelt down and pulled the .38 Special revolver out of my holster, he then pulled out my wallet.

G-Man on Right: Jason Marrow Garand...
G-Man on Left: How inconvenient.

The G-Man on the Right then poured chloroform on a towel and put it over my face. I tried to struggle but the other G-Man put his knee on my chest while the other held my nose shut.

0400 AM

I started to wake, a man was standing imfront of a window which had blinds on it. He bent the blinds and looked out, as he did he let a small stream of light into the room. He then turned and saw I was moving, he drank some coffee from his white mug as he walked towards me. He sat in a creeky chair and flicked on a blindingly bright light in my face. I turned my head towards the floor, my eyes started to burn. The man started to chuckle as he pushed the light down to the floor, I then looked back at him. The man was wearing a black double breasted sports coat, black pants, a black and white striped tie, a paper white shirt, and a black fadora.

Man: so... you have found my humble aboad. Are you happy?
Me (Jason): Not at the moment...
Man: fucking comedian ay?

The man got up and punched me in the left side of the jaw, my chair then fell backwards and I hit my head on the wooden floor. The man then lifted my chair back up and sat back in his chair.

Man: who sent you? KGB, CIA, FBI, the Chinese, RHB, who are you?
Me (Jason): *chuckles* I'm fucking Mickey Mouse.

The man jumped from his chair slugged me in the stomach three times and bashed his fist into my nose. My chair fell back and he quickly grabbed it and slamed my chair down. He then drank some coffee and sat down.

Man: *sigh* look, I won't show any anger in my voice, but the more bullshit you put on my plate, the more it is going to hurt you.
Me (Jason): I am Jason Garand.
Man: was that soo hard? Nevertheless, who... sent you?
Me (Jason): The devil...
Man: did you not hear what I just fucking sai...
Me (Jason): God's truth... The Devil sent me.
Man: Humor me...
Me (Jason): I asked RHB for the truth...
Man: No more is needed, I see what you mean, sorry for dusting you up.

The man then untied me and poured scotch in a glass which he handed it to me. I drank the scotch as a sign of forgiveness, even if it did hurt like hell.

Man: Name's C... I..., head of all Secret Operations.
Me (Jason): Hey CI.
CI: so, RHB sent you on a little quest.
Me (Jason): yeah, where is my Tiadidamoma thing.
CI: this is, well, part of an education. You want to know more... wait three minutes.
Me (Jason): so I'm going to have a nose bleed, how am I supposed to know it's not just your punch?
CI: It isn't just the nosebleed, it is like a flash before your eyes, an entire life you will never live... poof, vaporized. And that will happen every fifteen minutes during the daytime hours if you leave that off, yet that only applies here.
Me (Jason): So then... we wait.
CI: seems so.

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