80 Reloading (I)

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Neutral Dimension
Soldiers Field - Arcadia
0700 AM
February 5th

[POV of Jason]

[Be like that by 3 door down plays on analog radio]

I set in a creeky wooden chair with Grolsch. I drank whilst looking at a picture from high school, my senior year was cut short... I was kicked out... fought like hell to get my diploma from the damn place. That was on March 17th that I was kicked out, same day, a few years later, other people got their year cut short due to some over hyped virus. It's hard to think... I worked this fucking hard, only to be robbed of my victory, everyone has felt this to an extent. The real world is fucked!

[Ghost by Badflower played on the radio]

Mike joined me with a pack of beer and beef Jerky, he looked at the picture and grinned.

Mike: Those were the days weren't they?
Me (Jason): looking back... I feel like a fuck up, everything for nothing. I feel that I was robbed of everything...
Mike: that's why you joined Baskilov?
Me (Jason): I was with Baskilov before that, and if I worked with him... I would have left school.
Mike: but you wanted to be with her...
Me (Jason): and that is why I tried to balance everything with the fishing line I was given, because no one gave me the courtesy of tray... so shit just kept falling away from me.
Mike: your options were cut short...
Me (Jason): hmm, yeah...
*lights cigarette*
Mike: those things are gonna kill you.
Me (Jason): I don't care anymore...

[House of the Rising Sun by the Animals plays on the Jeep's mounted radio]

Lt. Kelly: hey fuckers, get in the Jeep, we gotta get back to the meeting.

We got into the Willys MB Jeep, Lt. Kelly launched us away from the gloomy place that we had been.

Mike: I won't be in the meeting, or the training.
Me (Jason): why?
Mike: RHB has assigned me to hacker duties, I'll join you guys in the war.
Lt. Kelly: I'll drop you at the gates after I dump the Corporal at the meeting.
Mike: you're a fuckin' officer?
Me (Jason): yeah...
Lt. Kelly: got promoted after ripping the guts out of the enemy line and moving six people to safety whilst they were wounded... he treated the whole thing like it was real... NM gave him the promotion himself.

Lt. Kelly dropped me at the large green tent, Mike climbed over the seat and sat in the front with Kelly. Mike waved as the Lieutenant drove away. Lt. Kelly was a WW1 war hero, last thing he remembers was going to the Ardennes. I walked into the tent and grabbed the available seat, soldiers then found theirs as NM eneterd. He saluted all of us and explained the next war mission. The Power Armour troops were to fight, special forces groups would also be fighting. I was assigned to CI's 2nd Black Operations Unit (BOU), this group was led by Richard Marcinko and CI. Brax and Nako along with Skull were assigned to WG's Anarchist Operators corps led by WG Personally. Jay was asigned to the 90th Sniper Unit led by Chis Kyle. Buddy was assigned to 101st Airborne led by Major Winters. And Mad Jack was assigned to the 1st Marine Raiders led by some Sergeant Paggs, over him was Audie Murphy, and over him was Alvin York and over him was RHB.
We emerged from the tent after the, way too detailed, meeting.

[Pretty fly (For a white guy) by The Offspring plays on the Jeep's radio]

Lt. Kelly: get your ass over here corporal, we gotta get you to the Black Ops guys!

As soon as I got into the Jeep Kelly roared down the barracks. He laughed as his teeth gritted down on a cigarette and his Hand Pushed the shifter into fourth gear, the 4 cylinder fireball screamed as the nobby military tires rumbled along the brick paved lane. We weeved between Trucks, tanks, and armoured vehicles. We then roared away from the garages, we then screamed past the bombers on the landing strips... at this point we had to be going atleast 80 miles per hour.

[Toxicity by System of a Down played on the Jeep's radio]

I looked over at the energetic Lieutenant, it saddened me that someone like this died in war... but he seemed to be happy listening to Rock and Metal music 60 to 90 years into the future of his death... Kelly was a good kid, only 19, but a World War One veteran no less. Kelly swerved the Jeep into a stop, steam rolled of the hood of the Jeep as a light drizzle came down.

Lt. Kelly: Teach those rough motherfuckers whose boss!
Me (Jason): you know it Kelly! See you later you crazy Bastard...
Lt. Kelly: Yes Sir!

Kelly then launched forward and flipped off a Military Police Dodge WC which proceeded to chase him. I walked into the old brick building, the thick metal door said Black Operations Specialists. Once inside I saw the the bright LED lights that exposed the shiney polished wooden floors, there were metal cabinets in all shapes and sized filled with paper, the desks had coffee stained papers and old fans on them, There were Tiger Stripe and Black uniforms lined up along the wall. I walked past the desks into the next room, there were soldiers seated in the chairs so I decided to swiftly sit in a chair but was spotted by a stalky man with a beard and had a SEALS logo on his shirt which was tucked into his Tan 511 pants.

Navy SEAL: your five minutes early...
Me (Jason): Sorry I'm late sir...
Navy SEAL: Next time I'll your fucking ass to the curb, you are to be fifteen minutes early...
Me (Jason): SIR YES SIR!
Navy SEAL: My name is Richard Marcinko, I will take no fuckery in my units... We are here to be ghosts, unfortunately I don't have much time in training you to do this. We are going to skip the real basic shit and teach you to be a fucking Nightmare, something your that makes your enemy wake up in sweat. We better get going... NOW!

We trained for hours un-ending, those who couldn't make it were assigned to other units. I looked over at CI during a written test, he was wearing Tiger stripe camo with a pair of Ray Bans. I looked back down at the test and filled in the blanked questions, I got to the bottom and saw numbers... the sequence started as 0...8...5...4... *ugh*

I looked ahead in a drowsy manner, CI jumped from his seat... it seemed as if he realized something... I have never seen such subhuman speed. My chest convulsed forward as I fell to the floor and went into a harsh seizure, I had never had one. CI rolled me on my side and called for a medic...

[Time unknown, location unknown, What is going on?]

CI: Goddamnit R, you could have told me this son-of-a-bitch was Manchurian man!
RHB: I didn't know he would be partially activated, his purpose is still being determined.
CI: well *pulls slide of Delta Elite* I could make a quick edit.
RHB: put that shit away, he is like a son to me...
CI: he is like one to all of us...
RHB: Brainwash this.........................


RHB: he cannot know about proj.........................


I woke up to a finished test, the rest of the class working on their tests. My head hurt really bad, all I could remember was a faint conversation... I turned in my paper, it seemed that no one was the wiser that I had a power nap.

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