43 te laisser tomber (I)

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(This chapter contains spoilers to Bioshock Infinite)

Neutral Demension
Winter time
[0600 AM]
[Let you down by seether plays in background]

[POV of Jason]

I dressed quickly, I had on my old black trenchcoat and black fadora, my red tie distracted the attention from all the black. I walked down the stairs, the Russian clerk was at the bottom in tears. I walked past him, and outside the old man shook his head at me. There was a cab at the bottom, It was a Yellow Ford Model A Tudor, the cab had white and black checkering and black fenders. I got into the back, the driver was Bad Bax. He sensed I didn't want to talk and instead asked where I wanted to go. I told him I wanted to go to the Chalet. He turned off the toll counter and drove towards the chalet, the road was winding through a deep wooded area. The dark made the whole experience a bit spooky, we then passed through and old red covered bridge. We then stopped on the other side, a man in an old black suit got into the car. It was the hitchhiker, he opened his briefcase and handed me something that was covered in a white sheet, he then asked politely to get out. Bad Bax stopped to let the man out and continued down the road, I then unfolded the white sheet and it exposed a break action .44 russian revolver. The gun had been heavily engraved and had gold filling the engravings, its black and gold finish was perfect and made the gun shine. The gun had latin marked into the barrel and had almost and evil look to it, and the pearl grips had a permanent red stain on them. I then wrapped the gun back up in the white sheet and layed it in the seat beside me. We drove then under another covered bridge which exposed the chalet that turned out to be a massive mansion, the sign we passed said 'Comstock-DeWitt manor'. Bax then turned into the circular drive, the yellow headlights showed the entrance to the building, as we stopped a light drizzle began. I got out and walked up the thick Limestone steps, when I got to the top another set of headlights darted towards me. It was the green and Black Duesenberg Model J, he turned hard and came into the turn in a drift. The gravel and shell from the driveway flew at me, steam boiled off the hood as he came to a stop. He threw a cover over the car after turning it off, there was sizzling and popping coming from the car. He came up the stairs, his eyes glazed over in anger... yet there were also hints of fear.

RHB: I wanted to be here... when you got here...
Me (Jason): why?
RHB: It's not because of you... It is for them.
Me (Jason): I don't plan on hurting anyone...
RHB: call me overprotective, I personally have save many of these women.

The lights of the building then came on, RHB took off his hat. He then staired at me and cocked his head, I took his advice and took my hat off. A woman then opened the door, her hair was flowing. She looked like Anna, I caught myself in awe. 

Woman: RHB... It's been a while.
RHB: Yes ma'am, it has. I brought this man, his fiance was...
Woman: say no more, we know what happened.

The woman then grabbed my hand.

Woman: it will all be ok... what is inside may come as a bit of a shock.

She led me in, and inside there was a large hallway with a foyer. The foyer had a pictures of men, one with a white beard, one with a serious look and a scruffy combover, and on the other side a man with slicked back hair and a pencil moustache, and beside him a picture of a man in a gray sweater. The woman led us into a room with medical equipment in it, there were women in the beds that looked exactly like the one whom was leading me. RHB then ran over to them.

RHB: what happened?
Woman: we found them hurt in Columbia...
RHB: are they going to be ok?
Woman: we lost one...
RHB: where is she!
Woman: the last bed.

He ran over to the bed with a cover over a similar faced girl. He tore off the sheet, pulled a thing out of his pocket and jammed it into the center of her chest. She popped up and breathed in, her eyes were wide and her chest was pumping as much air as it could get in. She started crying and RHB held her, he motioned for us to go on. The woman then walked with me through the covered part of a court yard, she turned to me, the womans blue eyes gleemed.

Woman: I know you miss her, I can see it in the way you look at me.
Me (Jason): some days I find it hard to believe she's gone.
Woman: I know, RHB still beats himself up about that.
Me (Jason): what?
Woman: she was one of us, she broke out of the loop, and then dyed her hair red.

I sat down in the park bench stunned, Anna had never lied to me. Of course, I never asked enough

Woman: she was part of a sisterhood. RHB treats us all as his daughter, he loves us all.
Me (Jason): what about Anna?
Woman: most of us have one of two names, Annabelle DeWitt or Elizabeth  Comstock. I am an Elizabeth, I was not as fortunate as some here.
Me (Jason): hmm, Elizabeth... why does RHB treat you as his daughters?
Elizabeth: His wife and daughter are the reason there are only 12 Regulators. One of them turned on him, and he had to go to the market. His wife and daughter waited in his car, the man took his rifle and blew apart his car. RHB became inconsolable when he held his daughter as she bled to death, his wife squeezing his arm until she couldn't. His daughter would have been an Annabelle, an alternate of the life we lead. When she died he treated us as his daughter, he separated us from everyone and gives us whatever we want. But most of all he treats us like the best dad anyone could have to offer.

Elizabeth then got up, and led me through the building. She showed me all of the Annabelle's and Elizabeth's their were, and there were thousands of them. She led me through the halls, certain living quarters, art centers, kitchens, dining areas, garages, an armoury, and gallery. RHB dedicated his life to saving any Elizabeth from death, he had a 99.99% efficiency rate. I thanked him in my head. Elizabeth then led me into the Library, it was massive and filled with every type of book. Elizabeth then told me to wait, she then came back five minutes later with a hard back book.

Elizabeth: take this, you will need this.

We talked some more then, I went towards the door. She told me that the pictures were of Booker DeWitt and Comstock, and how one went bad and one ended the cycle of evil. Then ehe told me about Andrew Ryan and Jack Ryan, and how she tried to stop that cycle but instead accelerated it. RHB then walked towards me.

RHB: meet me this evening, we will talk then.
Me (Jason): alright dad, I will.

RHB then looked at me with a puzzled look and went back to what he was doing, he then took Elizabeth's hand and walked her back down a hall. When I got outside Mad Jack was waiting on me in his cab, he then drove me back to the Inter-Demensional. I thought the whole ride, did I let them down. That was for their father to say, that was for Anna... my Anna to say.

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