51 A Withdrawal (I)

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Neutral Demension
23:10 PM
Christmas Eve

[POV of Jason]

John pulled his car up to a gate and stopped.

Dillinger: Ok Garand, this will be a walk in the park if we go about this right.
Me (Jason): why is the money in Bardshire?
Dillinger: this is where all the motion pictures are shot and happens to be music central. The communist party in Castle Hammer keeps away because of that crazy General's patrols, and it is the only place the pen is willing to leave his Inkwell.
Me (Jason): put the money where the money is in circulation...
Dillinger: Bingo!

We emerged from the car and walked down the cobblestone streets towards the gate. There was a light fog and the flickering of gas lamps were dim, the old European cars looked different from the American ones. The gate was huge, it offered ornate decoration yet looked strong, but Dillinger led me away from the huge gate to a drainage hole. We crawled through the pipe until we met a grate, Dillinger showed me that he had already cut it open and that all he had to do was push it off, and he opened the grate. We entered a courtyard with a statue of man in trenchcoat and fadora with a quill, the base of the statue said "J.W. the Pen."

Dillinger: that there is JW, he is the G-Man that is head of the Economy. The guy is honest, yet... sometimes has more money than he can count.
Me (Jason): So you help him?
Dillinger: you could say that.

John then shook a handle and twisted it to the left, the door then opened. The marble floors and arched hallway led to a large room, inside were mahogany desks with ornate bronze railings surrounding them. Cash registers and balances along with papers sit on the desks, and in the center were desks with deposit slips on them. Gold Art deco and white marble made up the walls and a Tiffany glass ceiling extended the fancy scenery. We opened a gate and walked into the bronze cage, we entered an area with a massive vault in the center and two smaller ones on the side. There was also a narrow vault door on the side, it was marked Mosler Safe Co. 1895. Dillinger walked over to the small door and turned the combination lock, there were then three clicks, then he opened the door. We entered the door and walked down a spiral stair case until we got to the bottom, dim lights exposed gray Mercedes Trucks. These trucks were from the 1940's, and were adorned with German Crosses.

Dillinger: odd sight ain't it, I've never seen trucks like that before.
Me (Jason): they were after your time, Used during the second world war by the Nazis.
Dillinger: there was a second world war? What are Nazis?
Me (Jason): Yeah, they were Germans... mean Germans.
Dillinger: Never did have much respect for the hun.

There were hundreds of trucks in this area, it was some sort of Garage.

Me (Jason): are we supposed to go into a specific truck?
Dillinger: yeah *pulls out paper* number 203461.

We walked by the trucks, I looked over and saw train cars with 'CSA' on them. On the other side there were crates with 'United States' stamped on them. We then found the truck and lifted up the flap. We let down the tailgate and got into the truck bed with crates inside. Dillinger got a crowbar out of the duffle bag he was carrying and opened a crate. He pulled a gold brick out of the crate and handed it to me.

Dillinger: That's what were here for.
Me (Jason): this is Swiss gold that was confiscated by the Nazis.
Dillinger: Yeah, Swiss Gold... The best.
Me (Jason): have you been in any of the other trucks?
Dillinger: No... Haven't needed to.
Me (Jason): Do you want to look?
Dillinger: *Looks at Watch* Go ahead, I'll load these duffles and we'll get the hell outta here.
Me (Jason): alright!
Dillinger: Oh, and be fucking careful, I haven't noticed security but that doesn't mean there isn't any.

I then walked down a couple of trucks and opened the tailgate and crawled in. There were long skinny crates, I then opened one. I pulled what seemed to be a picture frame out. Holy shit, *I turned on my flashlight* It was the Mona fuckin' Lisa. No wonder there were so many Nazi tucks, these trucks are loaded with everything the Nazis ever stole. In the Confederate States of America Train containers there were stacks of gold. In crates stamed 'U.S. PROPERTY', were gold parts of the Lost city of El Dorado. Some of this stuff was worth a fortune, plus some, and this didn't make sense that it was here. I crawled onto of the crates and turned on the flashlight, there were miles of crates from different places and eras. There were crates marked Egyptian Expedition and had to have been from the 1920s, crates from the 1940s with the royal families silver pieces. All things of value... were here... why?

Dillinger: Ok kid, you got your view... Lets go!

I crawled back down the crates, my leg got stuck and I fell. A crate then crashed down and silver Eagles ran across the floor.

Dillinger: oh fuck kid, we gotta run... NOW!
Me (Jason): Fuck...

He tossed me a duffle bag and we ran for the door. Flashlights then appeared, we slid under a truck. A man in a black trench coat, with flack jacket under, and brodie helmet passed us. We crawled under the trucks towards the door and ran up the stairs. We then got to the to and hid under desks.

JW: I want the assholes found, and now.

I looked at Dillinger who was pulling his gun, I then grabbed his shoulder and pointed at my wrist with the Tiadidamoma on it. I stopped the time and walked around everyone, we then got outside and walked towards the drainage pipe. I turned the time back on and told Dillinger to go first. He then got through, I then pushed the duffle bag down the pipe and he grabbed it. I felt a cool breeze go by me, I then turned around. A hand emerged from the dark and grabbed me by the neck. The tan trenchcoat and black fadora then Emerged, it was JW.

JW: Who are you?

I then punched him in the face and knocked him back and covered my face with a scarf. He got up and took of his coat and hat.

JW: alright fucker, put 'em up.

He then ran at me and punched me in the face a swung a left hook into my kidney. I stumbled back, he was good... too good for me to take on. He then ran at me again, I then grabbed him and brought him to the ground and poured chloroform on my jacket sleeve. He punched me in the face and I shoved my arm into his face, he struggled and put another couple of hard hits into my side before I subdued him. I then crawled through the pipe where Dillinger had the car running, I jumped in and we sped off.

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