Backstories 19 (I)

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Feburary 28th
0530 AM
Inter-Dimensional hotel
Neutral Dimension

[POV of Jason]

I'd gotten back to my room after the long plane ride from Arcadia. I've been laying low, something about this whole war and the thing with the devil... it seemed surreal. I was taking about a handful of asprin everyday to keep the headaches down... I could swear I was hearing numbers in my head, it was like I'd been apart of some experiment or something. I layed on my bed and tried to sleep.

11:45 AM

I awoke from the Nightmare that I had been having... loosing Anna killed me on that day, and seeing the Elizabeth(s) at that manor didn't help any. I went to my coffee pot and found it empty... I was beginning to miss Ellis, but, then again... I was missing the thing that kept me there too. I was going to take Anna to Paris, show her the sights, instead... I was too Goddamn busy working for Baskilov. *sigh*. I wish that I had never stole this device, I wish that I didn't have to look over my shoulder everywhere I went, I wish that I wasn't a Criminal, I wish I hadn't been thrown under the fucking bus for my entire shitty existence... FOR FUCKS SAKE... YOU COULDN'T EVEN LET ME HAVE LOVE! I WOULD HAVE CALMED DOWN, I WOULD HAVE STOPPED WORKING FOR BASKILOV, I WOULD HAVE STOPPED THE KILLING, BUT THERE IS NO REASON FOR LIVING WITHOUT HER.
I walked out of my apartment in anger, the only place to go was the museum.

1200 PM

I walked through the isles and looked at the priceless artifacts that had no actual value. The cars, guns, cloathes, antiques, guitars, records, etc. Were all things that people want... and this place is the encyclopedia of want. I had no wants, I had few needs. To my name... I own nothing, for I have never bought anything or recieved anything honestly... I always had a sly deal going so that I could reach into other people's pockets to further my lust for wants. I was too ignorant to realize that Anna was the only thing I would ever need, and I barely had enough money from all my greediness to pay for the funeral. The 1964 Barracuda I had was the only thing I did Honestly... and even it has stolen parts in it. I am a no good son-of-a-bitch... and my mother truely was a bitch. My attempts at a normal life had failed, I was now going down a path of destruction... and I was selfish enough to bring my friends for the ride. I left the museum, a place I once called home, and went to my car. When I got close to my car I saw John Dillinger, he looked happy to see me.

John Dillinger: hey kid, how's our war hero doin'?
Me (Jason): hmm, pretty good I guess. What's up?
John Dillinger: *sigh* there are rumors about R making a deal with the mobsters, the Communists, and the other groups. The guy even turned the rat prick Marcus into the arms dealer for Trio- whatever... He plans on colonizing the damn place.
Me (Jason): what's the problem?
John Dillinger: it's the fact that all the Regulators are on the ropes, everyone of them are moving things around... it isn't usual.
Me (Jason): it is odd that he would have so many things moving around.
Dillinger: look kid, I have an Army bud... the guy says they are waiting for an attack from the enemy. He made it sound like a bid deal, and I've got requests from people falling outta my ears.
Me (Jason): an attack... did he say when?
Dillinger: he said it was gonna happen In late May, it's far out there... but gives the people enough time to build up some significant shielding maneuvers. That, and RHB wants a massive renovation on the buildings... that is why he isn't preventing it.
Me (Jason): does anyone else know about this?
Dillinger: Only the important people, but plans make the place look the exact same... except for what's under the buildings.
Me (Jason): that's genius, he could use the underground Railroads to transport any number of items without a trace.
Dillinger: Bingo kid, look, I gotta go. This dame said she'd meet me at her place in an hour... just thought you should know some things.
Me (Jason): yeah, anytime. See ya.
Dillinger: yea, later.

John jumped into his black Ford Fairlane and sped off, this information was fairly useless, but made it seem like RHB was doing this war for some sort of progression... a secret progression, because what better time to do a bunch of lucrative things than a massive diversion such as war.
I drove my Barracuda to the Manor, it was against all better judgment that I had, I knew that RHB would keep any real evidence in the last place people would look. I parked my car behind the trees, put on my black trenchcoat and fadora and threw the camouflage tarp over my car. I walked around the building until I saw an open window, I then ran vaulted up the wall and grabbed the window seal. I didn't know I could get to a second story window from the ground... guess there is something about those military vitamins. I then snuck through the rooms... it was tricky though, RHB in this scarily genious manner, had all the Elizabeth(s) on slightly different schedules so that they would be able to be awake at all hours. And, if these Elizabeth(s) are anything like anna, they are very cold natured which means the ventilation systems are burning hot. I then got to RHB's office, the filing cabnets were large and deep. I pulled out a black scarf and covered my face so that I wouldn't be seen. I took the most recent folders, his under the desk, and used my dim flashlight to look at the documents... it turned out that all of what Dillinger was saying was true, but there was more. RHB was making the buildings bigger and wider so that they could house threefold the amount of people. It seems he was preparing for a bad event further in the future than the initial destruction. I then put the folders back and went to exit but seen a couple of Elizabeth(s) looking at me.

Elizabeth (1): what was it we were supposed to do with trespassers?
Elizabeth (2): subdue them.

The first Elizabeth fired a small crossbow at me, it was a tranquilizer dart. I knew that it would do no good to try and run without aid. I opened up the pouch on my belt, grabbed and adrenaline syringe and jammed it into my arm. I then ran at them which caused them to move out of the way, I did however forget about the staircase. I jumped onto the gaurd rail then leaped from it to the floor below. I heard a harsh crunching sound, my left ankle was completely busted... but I couldn't be busted. I ran with sharp pain that was dulled by both the adrenaline and tranquilizer... it hurt... but like a bee sting. I ran through the halls where I got peppered by things thrown by Elizabeth(s), mostly books, and busted through a second story window. I landed and rolled, by this time I was bruised to hell and was even bleeding for some reason. I got into the car and drove away from the place rather fastly, halfway back to the hotel I felt something in my back. I pulled it out of my back to find it was a freaking letter opener... that was gonna hurt like hell. Once I got to the Inter-Dimensional I was too tired to go back to my room, so I pulled my car under a tree and slept like a baby.

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