100 War... War never changes

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Triosonic - Uptown
June 10th
15:42 PM

[Zoo by White Snake goes off as Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch comes on the Tiadidamoma]

[POV of Jason]

I rode the '54 Harley KR towards a helicopter that had crash landed... the buildings were half collapsed as bodies of dead enemies lay on the road. It stopped beside the helicopter, put the bike in neutral, and got off. I seen Brax and Nako standing close to it.

Me (Jason): hey guys...
Brax: Jason, I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital.
Me (Jason): was... and am. I got to finish something.
Nako: we'll help with anything.
Me (Jason): you have any motorcycles saved in your Tiadidamoma.
Nako: Yeah, I have three... and being as Brax can't ride... We will be using the BMW R60... it's the only one that has a sidecar option.

Nako spawned the BMW R60 and started it up, Brax got into the side car and had his Ak-47u at ready. I got on my Harley, we then rode through the war torn streets with great speed. I used my FN 5×7 that had been given to me, it was handy when enemies got a little too close. We then seen the tank bragades on the lower levels, they were fixing their positions to take the rich sections. Brax was handy with his AK and had cleared paths for us through large groups of enemies. We seen a wall ahead of us. Brax leaned over the side of the sidecar and grabbed an M202 FLASH missile launcher and blasted a hole in the wall, he took another shot and made a wide enough hole for us to go through. Once through the hole we met up a group of Jeeps and Tacticals.

[In the Army Now by Sabaton plays on the Radio]

The leading Jeep was Buddy (driving), Jay (Using 2nd windshield mounted Machine Gun), and Skull (Using main Machine Gun). Behind him was Mike (diver) and Mad Jack (on Machine gun) in a Ford GPW. We rode with this group of maraudering Heroes... they blasted the buildings and stopped for nothing. A massive Dogfight was going on above us, bombs blew up the surrounding areas, in the distance was bullets flying through the air and transport helicopters, ahead of our target napalm was being blown in the streets, and soldiers were all around us fighting the enemy. I had missed a lot, but I was not going to miss the final push. We got to a stopping point, Check point alpha. Mad Jack got onto the hood of the Jeep, he pumped his chest forward. The Star on his helmet shined bright... his efforts in war had him promoted to General of the "Bastard 5th" Rebel division.

Gen. Mad Jack: alright boys, lets not fuck around. We have this war under our belt, and we will win! We have to make a way across this damn water. The enemy has blown the bridge up way, tere has to be a way across.

"Checkpoint alpha" was a street that bordered a body of water that seperated the middle from the upper class. The fancy high rises on the other side were riddled with bullets and the ravages of war. Planes were crashed all around that section. Brax got out of the side car with his M202 missile launcher and walked towards the railing.

Brax:... hey Nako, are those supports under that sky scraper.
Nako: ... hmm... it would appear so.
Gen. Mad Jack: you aren't gonna...
Brax: damn right I am.
Gen. Mad Jack: everyone... fall back! NOW! MOVE IT!

I turned my bike around as Nako and I rode away from Brax. Brax took aim and fired the last two shots from the M202, he then started running towards us before the explosions had even happend. Once the explosions had taken place, the building made horrible shrieking sounds and started to slowly fall towards us. Brax got back to us as the building fell to the completely down, the massive fall caused me to topple over as the Jeeps came a couple of feet off the ground. A dust cloud nearly knocked Skull off the Machine gun. Brax then got back to us... he was breathing hard.

Gen. Mad Jack: thanks to our crazed friend we have a path across!
Buddy: and how are we gonna get onto the walls of the building.
Gen. Mad Jack: Blow the support beams of this above ground rail system and leap from it to the new bridge.

[One by Metallica plays in the background]

Once the bridges support beams were blown, I lead the charge. I rode my Harley onto the downed sky rail, which had formed a small bridge, and shifted up fastly as I approached the Jump, I jumped from the rail to the downed building and geared up again. The jump I had just made was 20 feet, the Jeeps seemed to make it fine. I was going all of 120 miles per hour across the bridge, the uptown got closer and closer. The water around the downed building rippled hard, tank shells roared past me and blew holes in the exterior buildings, planes focused fire on this section of the city. Large crowds of soldiers on the other side in which we came were cheering us on as we crossed the bridge. We were approaching the Uptown fast, we used all of 700 feet to travel across the downed building. Ahead was rubble that formed a ramp down. I geared down quickly which slowed me from 120 mph down to a steady 20 mph. I stopped when I hit a T in the road, enemy soldiers were retreating with haste. General Mad Jack's Jeep pulled up close to me.

Gen. Mad Jack: we are going to need to take that needle-looking building. That is where Radian is Hiding. Lets rest a second, we need to have some support troops get to us... hey... aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?

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