99 Balance

1 0 0

Neutral Dimension
Rocksville Military Hospice
June 10th
0200 AM

Anna: Come on Jason, it isn't your time yet, just a little while longer... then we can be together again.
Jason:... I just want to be with you...
Anna: we will be together again, fight and end this war!
Jason: ...For You...

[POV of Jason]

After going in and out of a coma I had awoken. I looked at the date on the roster, I had been out for 19 days. I felt weak, ill, had a screaming head ache. The roster said I had suffered a massive concussion, said I'd need months worth of therapy... this was time I didn't have. I knew I had to get going, I went into the bathroom to examine my condition. The lights came on too fast, I stumbled back and readjusted my eyes, the light made my head sting. I looked into the mirror to see a semi-malnourished man with scruff on his face, it took me longer than usual to note that... that was me. I looked like I had died, they aren't doing no mercy by keeping me alive here. I looked at the meds they had me on, nothing was for the pain... My head felt like it was going to explode. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I tried to knock the handle off, but fell down in the process, I had really gotten weak. I went to the window and pulled a metal gaurd off the AC unit, I then used it as a pry-bar and opened the door. Once out I noted the nurse station and sprinted towards the opposing wall. Once there, I saw a laundry shoot, it was a terrible idea... but I couldn't get caught. I slid down the shoot and fell into a basket, my ears rang hard... It almost knocked me out. I walked to the cloathing station which was connected to the laundry room. I grabbed my clothes and hastily put them on, I almost ran out of air and got light headed trying to tie my boots. I dizzly walked towards the exit, the beam from a flashlight then struck the door. I hid behind a cleaning basket, an MP was walking around down here, he must have been notified of my escape. As the beam left the door, I went for it. I used all of my weight and busted down the door. My head screamed with pain again, the pain got worse as I ran. I stopped and rested, I looked across the damp, dark, street to see a pharmacy. I walked up to the door and put the tip of my lockpick gun into the door and with a few pulls of the trigger, and a twist, was in. I grabbed every type of migraine pill they had and took one of each. I shoved a fistful of the pills into my mouth and downed it with water I got in the fountain. I left my entire bag of silver dollars on the counter and locked the door on the way out. I had shoved the pill bottles into my pockets in order to keep my head from ringing. As my headache got to a reasonable pain I walked into Bardshire and towards Brax and Nako's pad... I typically wouldn't do harsh narcotics, but in this case... I needed it if I was going to fight. My body had deteriorated beyond my control, every step felt wrong, and half my chest fely numb. I got into their pad, via lockpick gun, and went into their living room. I, well, did some of their drugs... there must've been some morphine and heroin in there... I felt invincible. I shoved it and the meds I *found* into a small back pack. I then grabbed a wad of cash and caught a ride to the Inter-Dimensional.

02:30 AM
[Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition by Kay Kyser plays on 1954 Bel-Air's radio]

I got out of the taxi and walked up the steps, I felt good now.

Doorman: ah, Mr. Garand. Your motorcycle is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. Complements of a Mr. L.
Me (Jason): thanks.

I turned around to see the taxi had gone, and had materialized a Red motorcycle. The Bike was a 1954 Harley Davidson KR, it had added saddle bags, rifle carrier, and a headlight. The bike hummed the familiar, Harley only, tune. I opened the rifle holder which exposed my HK G36 and in the saddle bags were extra mags, my pistol and some exra mags for it. Layed across the seat of the Bike was Bart Hales Jacket, which I put on with macho-like care.

Lucifer: plan to take a ride?
Me (Jason): yeah... And... I know what is going to happen... just not how.
Lucifer: You know, I thought I could use your talents for my own personal purposes... the other's knees are raw. But you... you bow to no one, or thing.
Me (Jason): Your purposes and mine never aligned... you wanted me for your cock puppet or for some mercenary of evil. I am a soldier, and my war isn't over.
Lucifer: You have a choice...
Me (Jason): You knew my fate was sealed as soon as I got here.
Lucifer: hmm hmm hmm, I was wrong... not all men could  be tempted.

The old man tiped his hat and walked into the colorful mist behind me. I revved my engine.
[Zoo by the Scorpions played on my Tiadidamoma's radio]
A portal/tear opened infront of me, it showed a warzone. I rode my bike into it... my Tiadidamoma said I was in Triosonic. It was time to fight, time to kill, time... time to die!

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