63 ARK

5 0 0

Neutral Dimension
hortus voluptatis (Medical area) - North America
Dec. 27
0402 AM

[POV of Jason]

We walked out of the crumbling Hospital and crawled between the cars on the highway. Skeletons inside the cars were blackened and looked charred by fire, the outsides of the buildings had a build up of black soot, and the smell of rust and must came over me. We then got off of the highway, ash started to fall from the sky again.

Old Soviet: A world of ease, Adam told Eve not to take a bite of the apple... result, pain and anguish. A world of peace, Cain slew Able with a rock... result, death and suffering. There is no turning the cheek, but there is and eye for an eye. All of the Old Testament apllies here, God does show fury. This is the modern Sodom, or its sister city of Gamorrah... I am living like a rat, this... this is reality, not the soft baked thing you capitalists want.

The Old Soviet's anger became ever more apparent as we approached the arch. You know what scares me the most? What scares me is that something seems unreal, but has enough truth to make your head hurt, it is not the fear... it is not being able to comprehend what is going on. We opened the rotten wooden door that crashed down as it fell from its hinges, the only building that scared me was this one. Skeletons scattered the lobby as a few had tried to keep the door shut, more of their crumpled corpses lay scratching at the large metal door. We got closer, I didn't want to enter, my hands got clammy as bullets of sweat fell from my forehead, the hairs on my neck stood strait. The Old Soviet typed a code into the door, an old dusty light turned green and the pressure seal busted as a wave of dust was sucked into the the door way. The Soviet handed me a mask that was some sort of rebreather. We walked into the the doorway into a dark room, I watched as he closed the door and the dark swallow us. I turned on my light and saw perfectly preserved food in a vending machine and a cup of Ice Cold coffee on a desk, lab coats lined up on a rack. Lights then flickered on as a massive circulation vent started, the Soviet then peeled my mask off. We walked towards a door, it led to a large stairwell that looked unending.

[20 minutes later]

Tired and worn out we made it to the bottom, there was a large thick door that was outlined with a blue hue. I pushed the door open, my eyes were met with technology that was too far advanced for me to comprehend. There were pods in massive circle that must have been 20 stories high and another thirty below, every row had to have been atleast 7 thick. In these pods were... were... were people.

Old Soviet: Da Comrade, this is the Ark. The big boat that would save humanity, or rather cryogenically suspend it.
Old Soviet: all of those outside were sinners like us, and these people are somehow better?
Me (Jason): I dunno are they?
Old Soviet: follow me...

We walked around the circular room and down its spiraling stairs, blue waves flowing through tubes that ran along a large Tesla coil inside of a glass encasement. When we got further down we entered a shady looking elevator. We rode that towards the pit of darkness that sit below the blue hue, my head started to hurt from the negative pressures and static being produced. The elevator clashed to a stop, their was a room at the bottom... it said "The List". My heart sank as we entered the room with more skeletal remains, their lifeless bodies still wrapped in the cloaths they wore and their small keepsakes in hand.

Me (Jason): why did these people die?
Old Soviet: ...
Me (Jason): why?
Old Soviet: ...... they chose to..... Nothing outside was the same nor would it ever be.

The Old Soviet took off his hat and walked into a room, he then fell to his knees. I entered to see the skeletal remains of a little girl in a brown peacoat and little black shoes, her hands clutching a deteriorating teddy bear. A woman lay next to the girl, her cloaths were all brown and green and were starting to mold.

Me (Jason): I'm...
Old Soviet: my name is Dominick Orasavich Hellsenti, I was a historian at the museum of the Soviet Union. My daughter and wife lay here infront of me... good bye comrade.....
I'm sorry Sasha.

Red mist splattered all over my face, I wiped it off to see the smoking Makarov laying beside the dead Soviet... his blood oozing from the wound channel left in his head. I leaned over and picked up his rifle and ammo, it wasn't like he was going to need it anymore. It sounds brash, but his death did not surprise me as much as the arterial spray that hit me. I picked up his bag, I found notes, dog tags, wallets, and a flask of Vodka. The reason he had the code was because his wife whom evidently worked here gave him the code in hopes they would be together... she wasn't wrong. I raided the file cabinets and took whatever papers looked important, I also took the manifest of all the people who were stored here. After raiding the place for what seemed like hours I left the the bloody scene and ascended towards the top. I then opened the vault door to see a man in 1950's U.S. military garb pointing a M14 at me. I raised my hands, he lifted up his blood soaked M51 helmet to show that he wasn't crazed like the others. He motioned for me to follow him, I closed the door and locked it... then followed. He then led me back to the Mysterious Man, whom was waiting at the Dead Soviet's pad.

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